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他是一位脾气乖戾的老先生。He was a bilious old gentleman.

他抬起双眼,跟那座逼视着的挂钟打了个照面。He raised his eyes and met the stare of a bilious clock.

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但坏脾气往往与商业上的成功并肩而行。But bilious outbursts and business success often go hand in hand.

有时我觉得我是坏的女孩,任性,坚决,和胆汁。Sometimes I think I'm a bad girl, capricious, adamant, and bilious.

椰子水是非常有益的治疗胆汁发烧,它应该得到经常在小剂量。Coconut water is highly beneficial in the treatment of bilious fever.

常见的症状有腹胀、胆汁性呕吐。The most common symptoms are abdominal distension and bilious vomiting.

新生儿期以胆汁性呕吐为特点。Bilious vomiting was the characteristic clinical situation in neonatal period.

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听过他咆哮事易办的己都晓得他的火爆脾气。His bilious temperament was apparent to all who heard him rant about his difficulties.

目的探讨老年胆源性胰腺炎的临床特点及治疗经验。Objective To discuss the clinical characteristics and treatment experience of senile severe bilious pancreatitis.

大多数魔宴同盟蔑视秘隐同盟的成员将之视为不能接受自身掠食天性的怯懦的可怜虫。Most sabbat express bilious contempt for the vampires of the camarilla whom they see as cowardly wretches unable to accept their predatory natures.

他喜欢攻击的对象是“面色苍白脾气暴躁的”酒吧间里的煽动分子,此等人处心积虑,非把约翰牛的老家或彼得·施托伊弗桑特的纽约闹个天翻地覆不可。One of his favourite targets was the "pale and bilious" taproom agitator, scheming to overturn John Bull's household, or Peter Stuyvesant's New York.

其诊断需有详尽的病史和物理检查。咯大量脓痰或胆汁样脓痰,间歇高热,慢性中毒症状是本病的3个典型临床征象。Copious expectoration of purulent or sometimes bilious sputum, intermittent high fever and chronic toxicity are their 3 cardinal clinical manifestations.

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这个地方不久前把墙漆上了一种鲜亮的,胆汁般的黄色,这颜色使置身其中的每一个人都给映得像得了肝炎。The place had recently been painted a bright, bilious yellow, and the light reflecting off the walls made everyone inside look as though they had hepatitis!

这个地方不久前把墙漆成了一种鲜亮的、胆汁般的黄色,这颜色使置身其中的每一个人都给映得像得了肝炎。The place had recently been painted a bright, bilious yellow, and the light reflecting off the walls made everyone inside look as though they had hepatitis!

这个地方不久前把墙漆成了一种鲜亮的、胆汁般的黄色,这颜色使置身其中的每一个人都给映得像得了肝炎。The place had recently been painted a bright, bilious yellow, and the light reflecting off the walls made everyone inside look as though they had hepatitis !

我当然还有其他的问题想问,但这些问题较之更为重要,经常萦绕在我的心中,急切地需要暴躁发烧的隔离来救济。I've got other questions, too, but these are the important ones. The ones clawing at my soul. The ones that need relief from the " bilious fever" of isolation.

无论在损伤人数,还是在损伤程度,胆汁质的运动员都高于多血质的运动员且远远高于粘液质的运动员。The proportion of these injuries among bilious athletes is larger than sanguineous athletes, and much larger than phlegm athletes both in the number and the degree of injury.