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这是一种易产生抑郁的疾病。This is a depressive illness.

真正的抑郁来自美国的黑金属。True Depressive Black Metal from the US.

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他容易激动,但抑郁并且有自杀倾向。He was hotheaded, but depressive and suicidal.

但是千万不要给我那种郁闷的电影哦。But please don’t show me the depressive movies.

抑郁发作的少年儿童可能Children and teens having a depressive episode may

有很多关于“抑郁创造者“的说法。There's a lot of the talk about the depressive creature.

中年抑郁症与绝经期症状负载。Depressive symptoms and menopausal burden in the midlife.

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许多患有抑郁的人从未寻求治疗。Many people with a depressive illness never seek treatment.

抑郁障碍跟一晃而过的忧郁情绪还不一样。A depressive disorder is not the same as a passing blue mood.

二妹在哭,但声音压抑。My second younger sister was crying, yet in depressive voice.

目的观察郁金对小鼠抑郁的影响。Objective To observe the effects of Yujin on depressive mouses.

我只是需要一场轰轰烈烈的爱,来满足我沉闷已久的心。What I want is just a furious sex, to meet my depressive heart.

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但是孤立自己只会加重抑郁症状。But isolating yourself can only worsenthose depressive symptoms.

不要看到别人过得幸福,自己就有种失落和压抑感。Don't see others to be happy, and he has lost and depressive feeling.

方法采用自拟解郁汤治疗抑郁性神经症84例。Method Apply self-made Jieyu Tang to 84 cases of depressive neurosis.

最常见的是重度抑郁症和心境恶劣障碍。The most common are major depressive disorder and dysthymic disorder.

吊顶过低会使整个房间产生压抑感。Condole top is too low will make whole room produce depressive feeling.

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长春市男大学生总体表现出轻度抑郁状态。The whole male colleague students of Changchun city are slight depressive.

结论抑郁性神经症具有快动眼睡眠指标改变。Conclution There are changes of the REM indices in the depressive neuroses.

这些症状都是躁狂症、抑郁症等精神病或典型。The symptoms are those of mania, depressive psychosis or atypical psychosis.