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人性讲堂Inner Core

不过这个问题有一个核心么?But is there a core?

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那是我们的核心战略。That’s our core strategy.

每个部分有个中心词。Each part has a core term.

妈妈是家庭的核心。Mother is the home's core.

下金刚石取芯钻头。Run in a diamond core bit.

欢迎您来到我们节目。Welcome to the Inner Core.

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连接到芯子的软管松脱。Loose hose to core fitting.

中间那块岩芯曾加载。The middle core was loaded.

善政的核心是德治。Its core is a virtuous rule.

有人扔了颗苹果核。Someone threw an apple core.

胶合垫铁小条挖出果核。Glue the horn strips to core.

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你的应用程序的核心是什么?What is the core of your app?

欢迎收看人性讲堂。And welcome to the Inner Core.

还有发黄的苹果核。the browning core of an apple.

修复北桥核心选项值问题。Fixed NB core item value error.

那声音总是在我的心灵深处震响。I hear in the deep hearts core.

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铁心自动插入机“,”Automatic Core Lapping Machines.

这是他的核心信念之一。This is one of his core beliefs.

这个梨子的果心腐烂了。This pear is rotten at the core.