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世界银行在波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维纳的参与The World Bank in Bosnia and Herzegovina

这是第一部参加该影节的波斯尼亚电影。Bosnia to be selected to compete in the Festival.

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在波斯尼亚和科索沃,这是根本性的问题。In Bosnia and Kosovo, the issue can be fundamental.

问题是大多数的波斯尼亚人都已经迷失了自我。The problem is that many have strayed, not least Bosnia.

波士尼亚的和解是联合国调停的结果。The settlement in Bosnia was a result of U. N. mediation.

米洛舍维奇就在波西尼亚和科索沃的干预中“幸存”了!Slobodan Milosevic survived the interventions in Bosnia and Kosovo.

在上一次1991年南斯拉夫人口普查中,波斯尼亚有430万人口。In the last Yugoslav census in 1991, Bosnia had a population of 4.3m.

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波斯尼亚再度兴起的分裂情绪的搅动亦是如此。The stirring of renewed secessionist sentiments in Bosnia does the same.

波斯尼亚最初是包括南斯拉夫在内的六个联邦单位中的一个。Bosnia was formerly one of the six federal units constituting Yugoslavia.

这是第一部参加该影节的波斯尼亚电影。It was the first film from Bosnia to be selected to compete in the Festival.

具体而言,拜登曾敦促采取干预手段来制止对波斯尼亚穆斯林的种族清洗。Specifically, Biden urged intervention to stop ethnic cleansing of Muslims in Bosnia.

而且,波斯尼亚和科索沃对于北约和欧盟而言都是战略要地。Also, Bosnia and Kosovo are in the close backyard of both NATO and the European Union.

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直到1878年成为了奥地利-匈牙利的殖民地之前,波斯尼亚一直受奥托曼统治。Bosnia was under Ottoman rule until 1878, when it became a colony under Austria-Hungary.

4月初,北约又在波斯尼亚发动了空袭,这一次是为了阻止塞族对戈拉日德的包围。Early in April, NATO bombed in Bosnia again, this time to stop the Serbs siege of Gorazde.

波斯尼亚和塞尔维亚,忘了我们开过去防止他们对自己进行的大屠杀吧!Bosnia and Serbia, forget us going over their and protecting them from massacring themselves.

1992年,卡拉季奇宣布波斯尼亚的塞尔维亚部分独立,并自任总统。In 1992 he declared the Serbian part of Bosnia independent and designated himself as president.

波黑是东南欧的一个国家,即将加入欧盟。Bosnia and Herzegovina is a country in Southern Europe, and is going to join the European Union.

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波斯尼亚-黑塞哥维那的悲剧是这些野蛮行为中最丑恶、最危险的一种。The tragedy of Bosnia and Herzegovina is one of the worst and most dangerous of these barbarities.

而波斯尼亚和达尔富尔地区无辜生灵惨遭涂炭时,我们所有人的良心都会留下污点。When innocents in Bosnia and Darfur are slaughtered, that is a stain on our collective conscience.

我们在北约的盟友之一,约翰.梅杰,那天正好在美国,他是来讨论波斯尼亚和北爱尔兰问题的。One of those allies, John Major, was in America that day to talk about Bosnia and Northern Ireland.