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动员大量的业内精英也是非常必要的。A massive mobilisation of talent will be needed.

持续的动员也荡然无存,而没有持续的动员,就不能逐走这些旧秩序。Gone too is the sustained mobilisation without which the old order can't be dislodged.

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非手术治疗需要早期去除牵引、下床活动。Non-operative management entailed active early mobilisation without bed rest or traction.

2000年的人口普查被称作是美国历史上规模最大的和平时期总动员。The 2000 census is said to have been the largest peacetime mobilisation in American history.

最使人困惑不安的莫过于俄、奥、德三国军队的调动。Most perplexing and disquieting are the reports of mobilisation of Russian, Austrian and German troops.

在后京都协议谈判缓慢前行的同时,气候变化问题上的大众动员正获得支持。As negotiators inch toward a post-Kyoto treaty, popular mobilisation on climate-change issues is gaining support.

但是他们却从不讨论中国应用这些首创的技术去阻止人群的动员。They have not, however, discussed China's pioneering use of such techniques to impede the mobilisation of crowds.

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但是,他们并没有对中国开创性的使用此类技术来阻碍群众动员的先例做出任何评论。They have not, however, discussed China’s pioneering use of such techniques to impede the mobilisation of crowds.

2000年的人口普查据说是在美国历史上和平时期最大的一次全民总动员,2010年的人普将有过之而无不及。The 2000 census is said to have been the largest peacetime mobilisation in American history. The 2010 census will be larger.

采集所有参与者的血标本测定与外周动员和归巢有关的可溶性标志物水平。Levels of soluble markers that associate with peripheral mobilisation and homing were studied in the serum samples of all subjects.

弹性髓内钉治疗小儿股骨干骨折是一项学习曲线短但可靠的方法,并且允许早期活动。Flexible nailing of diaphyseal fractures of the femur is a reliable method with a small learning curve and allows early mobilisation.

大众政治和群众动员战严重损害了在女王规则之下的战争形象,甚至是在主权国家。Mass politics and mass mobilisation warfare fatally compromised the image of war behind the Queen's Rules, even among sovereign states.

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理事会授予的先锋公司,取得最好的结果在生产发展和专业动员地方社区。The PIO Council awarded companies that achieved best results in production development and professional mobilisation of local communities.

麦克唐纳表示,这种明显的优势可能会缩小,因为共和党人惯于在选举日临近时才发动他们的大规模动员力量。The apparent advantage may narrow because the Republicans typically start their mobilisation efforts closer to election day, McDonald said.

然而,对于存在危及生命的合并症的患者,予早期活动的非手术治疗能够获得可接受的结果。However, in patients with life-threatening medical co-morbidity, non-operative treatment with early mobilisation can yield acceptable results.

过去几年里,大规模的群众动员是揭开我们斗争最后篇章的主要因素之一。The large-scale mass mobilisation of the past few years is one of the key factors which led to the opening of the final chapter of our struggle.

第二件,它必须为动员提供透明度、为支持发展中国家适应气候变化提供大量的资金来源。Second, it must provide clarity on the mobilisation and volume of financial resources to support developing countries to adapt to climate change.

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本文拟从外科解剖、技术、指征以及临床结果诸方面对结膜眼球筋膜松动术作一综合性的重新评价。A comprehensive reevaluation of surgical anatomy, techniques, indications and clinical outcome of conjunctival Tenon's mobilisation will be presented.

“世贸中心大楼可能发生了爆炸,”这条信息告诉警官们,并宣布曼哈顿商业区进入最高级别的动员。"POSSIBLE EXPLOSION WORLD TRADE CENTER BUILDING, " it tells its officers as it announces the start of its highest-level mobilisation to downtown Manhattan.

我这个年纪的人很幸运,我们的性生活是在艾滋病病毒大规模爆发的最坏时期之后才开始的,但目前来说,也并没有那样的流动性和团结。My generation is lucky to have started its sex life after the worst stages of the HIV outbreak, but nowadays there is not the same mobilisation and solidarity.