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大牛,你看阿妈那么热情。Daniel, since Amah is so sincere.

韩佳你看,阿妈等着我们呢。Han Jia, look, Amah is waiting for us.

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柳妈不耐烦的看着她的脸。Amah Liu glanced with irritation of her face.

大牛,你刚才跟阿妈在说什么呀?Daniel, what were you talking about with Amah ?

保姆不幸中风之后,这两个人的角色就颠倒了。After the amah suffers a stroke, the two reverse roles.

大牛,你看阿妈那么热情,你就再喝一碗吧。好好好。Daniel, since Amah is so sincere, you just have another bowl. Okey.

如果你想快速回忆起来的话,找几个朋友打一晚上的麻将。If you want to remember things more quickly, grab a few friends and start amah -jongg night.

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阿妈事先听说那边食物短缺,就带了一点食用油和咸鱼回去,准备自用。Having heard of the food shortage, the amah brought in a bit of cooking oil and salted fish of her own use.

赛珍珠原名珀尔·布克,生于19世纪末长于20世纪初,是南方长老会传教士的女儿。Pearl Sydenstricker grew up in China at the turn of the century as the daughter of Southern Presbyterian missionaries, cared for by a beloved amah.

本家叔祖母用的一个寡妇老妈子熟悉这家子的事,不知怎么教母亲打听着了。There was an elderly widowed amah in service with a great-aunt on my father's side, who knew the family well. Somehow or other my mother got to hear of it.