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它一直在塑造着我的个性和自我。It figures my personality and selfhood.

首先,这是一部关于自我迷失与自我拯救的作品。First, it is a novel about the wandering and salvation of selfhood.

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当“自我成就”的标准是那么高不可攀时,“自我接受”也变得无从谈起了。When the standards for selfhood are beyond reach, self-acceptance is futile.

“自拍”一词在字典中也有一席之地,紧邻着“自我”和“自私”。It has its own spot in the dictionary, right next to "selfhood" and "selfish.

良好的家庭道德教育有助于未成年人道德人格的形成。Good family moral education contributes to the shaping of the minor's moral selfhood.

后现代超越现代性是通过否定和消解主体来实现的。Post-modernity transcends modernity by the means of negating and clearing up selfhood.

但它的最终取向,还是朝着完善自我语言独立的方向发展。However its ultimate orientation develops to perfect selfhood language independent direction.

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他们的人格魅力在大学生思想政治教育过程中具有不可替代的作用。In the process of educating students, the role played by their charming selfhood is a non-substitute.

第四章是关于人物的人格面具与他们真实自我,或者说与他们灵魂之间矛盾的分析。Chapter four is about the conflicts between the characters'personas and the true selfhood or their inner souls.

一个人的自我与其经验的和谐程度,与其心理健康水平显著相关。The harmony between the selfhood and the experience of one person is closely related to his psychological health.

儿童的审美移情的发生机制主要是同构、联想、内摹仿和心境的作用。The aesthetic empathy of children is instinctive and has the characteristic of equating in selfhood with substance.

关心爱护全体学生,尊重学生人格,平等、公正对待学生。Resolutely love and protect the entire student body. Respect the students’ selfhood and treat students fairly and equally.

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当你的艺术创作一旦走进了自我的境地,你便能听得懂鸟的歌唱,蛇的静寂。When your art creation enters the selfhood state, you will be able to understand birds singing and snakes keeping silence.

在新爱情书写中,新女性对于“爱情和自我”这个主题,提出了崭新而锐利的探询。In the new love interpretation, the new women proposed brand-new and acute discuss focused on the theme of "love and selfhood".

第一章从罗斯的“自我分裂观”出发,对罗斯本人的自我分裂和身份矛盾进行细致分析。Based on Philip Roth's own conceptions of selfhood and the split personality, Chapter One gives a prior analysis of Roth's own selfhood.

“不断否定自我,才能赢得自我,赢得市场”是我企业与企业家的文化内蕴。It is the cultural implication of our enterprise and enterpriser that only continuously disavowing selfhood can win selfhood and market.

我国狱内行刑社会化的横向分类重点在对监内罪犯的再次分类,建议以自然标准、犯罪标准和人格标准逐渐推进。The transverse classification emphasizes the re-classification of criminals in prison, applying the criteria of nature, crime and selfhood.

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现在,你将你的自我的巨大果实紧握成极小的、不安的果肉,并不知晓它的果汁的甜蜜、风味的丰富。Now, you squeeze the great fruit of your selfhood into a tiny uneasy pulp, unaware of the sweetness of its juices or the variety of its seasons.

生态审美是一种秉持间性姿态的审美活动,自我间性是生态审美的一个不可或缺的重要维度。Ecological Aesthetic is a kind of intersubjective aesthetics activity, and selfhood interaction is an indispensable dimension of ecological aesthetic.

“天使”形象反映了作者后期回归传统、逃避自我、认同社会规范的心理。The image of angel has reflected author's later period recurrence tradition , and escapes , and recognizes the mentality of society standard selfhood.