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可是为什么要这样秘密?But why all this secrecy?

他誓守秘密。He was pledged to secrecy.

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这计划要求失密。This plgood requires secrecy.

一个阴谋在暗中策划着。A plot was hatched with secrecy.

那个人被秘密的杀害了。The man was killed in strick secrecy.

这些谋反者立约保守秘密。The conspirators were bound to secrecy.

密级档案可以销毁吗?。May Archives Keeping in Secrecy be Destructed?

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杰克并没有告诉她,保密是基于什么原因。Jack does not tell her what the secrecy is about.

中国于外汇储备经营之道一向讳莫如深。China manages its reserves with considerable secrecy.

瑞士由于其银行保密法,因此选择了后一种途径。Switzerland has benefited from its bank secrecy laws.

这项工作以及它的秘密性和危险性损害了他。The work, the secrecy and the danger take their toll.

大家都发誓对所发生的事缄口不言。Everyone was sworn to secrecy about what had happened.

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威瑟斯的一位合伙人克劳斯说“瑞士政府继续宣称银行的保密性依旧保留。The Swiss continue to say that banking secrecy remains.

随着时间的推移,秘密就像没有爆炸的炸弹。As time passed, the secrecy became like an unexploded bomb.

如果你一定要发泄,那就去告诉牧师,他一定会保守秘密的。If you have to vent, tell a priest who is bound to secrecy.

同样,或许能放松中国对过极机密信息的监管。So too, perhaps, will a possible easing of Chinese secrecy.

我们的领导要我们务必严守机密。Our leader enjoined on us the neccessity for strict secrecy.

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保密法是任何国家法律法规的有效组成部分。Secrecy is a valid part of any nation's laws and regulations.

她急不可待想宣布这个消息,但却发过誓要守口如瓶。She was bursting to announce the news but was sworn to secrecy.

这间公司的保密制度就是由Jobs亲自建立的。The company's regime of secrecy was engineered by Jobs himself.