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毕竟,大部分性别差异都是微乎其微的。After all, most gender differences are miniscule.

即使小剂量的六价铬也能引起肿瘤。Even miniscule amounts of chromium 6 can cause cancer.

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我已经变得厌倦了争论这种细小差别的设计决策。I’ve grown tired of debating such miniscule design decisions.

食品上的农药残余量总量其实是很少的。The amount of pesticides present as residues on food is miniscule.

这个软体动物以过滤海水捕捉微生物为食。This mollusk feeds by filtering water, catching miniscule animals.

单一来看,这些信号每一种所承载的能量微乎其微。Individually the energy available in each of these signals is miniscule.

这些微型发动机的零件不能总像一般的大发动机那样正常运转。Miniscule engine components don't always behave like their scaled-up counterparts.

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12英里长的太阳能反射器只能产生很少的能量,大约300兆瓦。Twelve miles of solar reflectors generate about 300 megawatts, a miniscule amount.

现在除了一部分内容是讽刺漫画外,只有一小部分致力于鼓励幽默文学的原创。Now a miniscule part of the magazine is devoted to comedy, apart from the cartoons.

金龟一般为椭圆形,是个矮胖子,体型从微小到巨大不等。Scarabs are generally oval-shaped and stout, ranging in size from miniscule to mythic.

中国裂变材料的储备,比起美国的来小很多。China's stockpile of fissile material is a miniscule fraction of that of the United States.

而俄国的中产阶级,我会在下周一讲到,其所占比例微乎其微The middle class in Russia, which I'll talk about on Monday, was just absolutely miniscule.

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因为这微乎其微的变色龙太细小了,以至于它爬在人类的手指甲上还有空间剩余。For this miniscule chameleon is so small that it can sit on a human thumbnail with room to spare.

粪便,即使很少的量,“是目前为止游泳池里最大的安全隐患”,Tierno也同意上述观点。Feces, even a miniscule amount, "is by far the biggest health hazard in swimming pools, " agreed Tierno.

我们已十分的幸运,因为我们是那小百分比中的一员,当然富裕。We are incredibly lucky to be a part of this miniscule percentage of people who are, by all means, rich.

在动物王国里,如果以身体的相对大小作为比较标准,那么小小的划蝽能够发出最大的声音。The miniscule water boatman makes the loudest sound for body size in the animal kingdom. Cynthia Graber reports.

除了通常的有机质小团,他们还发现了一种名为“煤胞”的中空微粒。Besides the usual miniscule clumps of organic matter, they also found tiny bubble-filled particles called cenospheres.

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这是一个挑战,让人们衡量一下微不足道的接种风险和与之相比风险大得多的HIV感染孰轻孰重。It's a challenge to have people weigh the very miniscule risks of getting a vaccine against the far greater risks of HIV.

这是一个挑战,让人们衡量一下微不足道的接种风险和与之相比风险大得多的HIV感染孰轻孰重。It’s a challenge to have people weigh the very miniscule risks of getting a vaccine against the far greater risks of HIV.

这听起来有悖常理,但可以打破对方狭隘的个人空间界限,迫使其后退一步。It sounds counterintuitive, but you’ll break through their miniscule personal space wall, forcing them to take a step back.