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代表团将于下周返国。The delegation will be home next week.

代表团乘车前往宾馆。The delegation drove to the guesthouse.

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这位男子将要率领贸易访问团。The man will head the trade delegation.

已派出一个代表团赶往非洲。A delegation has been hurried to Africa.

代表团何时飞抵市镇?When is the delegation flying into town?

我们的中国代表团是有1099人组成的。Our delegation is composed of 1099 people.

一个代表团来调查这个案件。A delegation came to investigate this case.

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代表团明晨或可到达。The delegation may arrive tomorrow morning.

每个国家都派一个代表团参加奥运会。Each country sent a delegation to the Olympics.

中国藏学家代表团访问纽约。Chinese Tibetologist delegation visits New York.

代表团结束了对我国的访问。The delegation has concluded its visit to China.

幸运的是,代表团抓住了真正的罪犯。Luckily, the delegation caught the real criminal.

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表团将于今天下午到达。The delegation arrives in Beijing this afternoon.

这个代表团由我们的外交部长任团长。The delegation was headed by our Foreign Minister.

为此,中国代表团对你表示诚挚的祝贺。The Chinese delegation sincerely congratulates you.

这是医院第五次接待奥地利中医实习团。Hospital to receive Austrian TCM academy delegation.

我们等着听代表团来的消息。We were listening for the arrival of the delegation.

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这个代表团的团长是财务部长。This delegation is headed by the Minister of Finance.

温家宝首先欢迎日本遗孤感恩团来访。Wen first of all expressed welcome to the delegation.

惠州市代表团与工总代表合照。The delegation from Huizhou with FHKI representatives.