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北风怒号。A north wind is howling.

狂风怒号。A violent wind is howling.

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报童们叫喊着新闻。Newsboys were howling the news.

今天的风刮得可真凶。The wind's really howling today.

四面八方都能听见狼嚎声。All around we hear wolves howling.

那些如野兽般嚎叫的是些什么人?Who are those wild beasts howling?

狼群在远处嗥叫着。Wolves are howling in the distance.

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在她旁边,嚎哭再次开始了。Next door, the howling begins again.

通过嚎叫风和加穗于雨。Through howling winds and fringing rains.

风将无时无刻地怒号。The winds that will be howling at all hours.

你只是在外面对着月亮嚎而已。You were just out there howling at the moon.

就在他们搭帐篷的时候,远处传来了狼嚎的声音。As they made camp, they heard coyotes howling.

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我已经有好长时间听不到狼的嗥叫了。I haven't heard wolves howling for a long time.

T-Bag跌在地上,痛得嚎叫。T-Bag collapses to the ground, howling in pain.

设有声反馈防啸叫功能,能有效减小回受啸叫。Can reduce the feedback of the howling effective.

冬天,呼啸的西北风就如同一把锋利的的刀子。Winter, northwest wind howling like a sharp knife.

六个狂派战士呼啸着紧随其后。There are six Decepticon fighters howling after it.

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我是格雷厄,嚎哭深渊的永恒守护者!I am Greyor, the eternal guardian of the Howling Abyss!

农夫把狼痛打一顿,狼便嗥叫地落荒而逃。The wolf was beaten by the farmer. He ran howling away.

穿越野兽的咆哮,那首歌如雷灌耳。Through the howling of the beasts, the song rings clear.