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大约一半的人在针叶林山上放牧驯鹿。About half a are reindeer herders up in the Taiga mountains.

大约一半是驯鹿猎人住在针叶树木地带的山里。About half are reindeer herders of being up in the Tiger Taiga mountains.

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东西伯利亚南部山脉针叶林带雪表面的升华。Sublimation from snow surface in southern mountain taiga of eastern Siberia.

展品范围从一个非洲热带雨林到北极针叶林和苔原在夏季。Exhibits range from an African rain forest to the Arctic taiga and tundra in the summertime.

十八世纪的画家与书法家,池大雅,在某些方面就好似日本的毕加索。The 18th-century painter and calligrapher Ike Taiga was something like the Pablo Picasso of Japan.

偈人着松散的长袍或有腰带的长袖服装,而与北部针叶林地带其他地方所见的都不一样。The Ket wore a type of loose-fitting robe or caftan unlike any found elsewhere in the northern taiga.

粗广的印度覆盖稀薄的冻土和宽带状浓密的原针叶林。Roughly the size of India, it's capped by a thick layer of permafrost and swathed in dense taiga forest.

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夏天,在亚极地针叶林地带的沼泽遍布的原野或乡村,出行亦将变得缓慢而艰难。Summer travel in the boggy lands, or muskeg country, of the Subarctic's taiga was also slow and arduous.

座落氹仔市中心,毗邻澳门马场、名胜四面佛及澳门综合运动场。Located at the heart of Taiga Island, faced to the Macau Jockey Club, 4-faced Buddha and the Macau Stadium.

其中,一半左右是在针叶林山脉放牧驯鹿的牧人,另一半则在城镇里生活。About half are reindeer hurders of being herders up in the tiger Taiga mountains. the The other half live in a town.

接下来的几天里,我们滑过了针叶林来到了知道1962年才停止运作的医院以及隔离区。The following day, we ski through the taiga to the site of the hospital and colony, which was operational until 1962.

随着北京、上海、广州、重庆的各个高楼大厦耸立起来,广袤的西伯利亚北方森林正在被夷为平地。As buildings go up in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chongqing, the vast Taiga boreal forests of Siberia are being flattened.

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萨哈林岛在末次冰盛期的草原和泰加林主要山落叶松和松组成,和现在西伯利亚东北部的泰加林相似。During the LGM, bog and taiga were mainly composed of Larix and Pinus in Sakhalin, which could be correlated to the present northeast Siberian taiga.

察坦大约有500人,大约一半在泰加山上以养驯鹿为生,另外一半住在镇上。The Tsaatan have about 500 members, about . About half are reindeer headers or being herders up in the tiger Taiga mountains. The other half live in a town.

在俄罗斯西伯利亚城市克拉斯诺亚尔斯克郊外的波波罗夫胜地,卫生工作者正在喷洒农药,杀灭携带脑炎病毒的蜱虫。A sanitary worker sprays pesticide to kill ticks carrying encephalitis at the Bobrovy Log resort area in Taiga outside Russia's Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk.

由于两个准备再次碰撞,澪终于获得她第三次尝试从她的克星的胜利,或大河将让澪下降就像之前一样?As the two prepare to collide once again, can Mio finally obtain a victory on her third try from her nemesis, or will Taiga knock her down just like previously?

两个岛上3万年前后以云杉与落叶松共生的森林为主,松和冷杉出现在比现代相对较冷和干的气候条件下。Around 30 ka, taiga of dominant Picea coexisted with Larix, Pinus and Abies was distributed in both islands under relatively colder and drier climate than at present.

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在这样一个针叶树林地带与亚热带混合的地区,老虎、马拉雅熊等南方物种与棕熊、猫等北方物种得以共同栖息。In this mixed zone between taiga and subtropics , southern species such as the tiger and Himalayan bear cohabit with northern species such as the brown bear and lynx.

贝加儿是位于西伯利亚针叶林地带的庞大水域的具有非常丰富生态系统之一,此时它面临污染导致的气候变化等诸多方面的威胁。Lake Baikal, a massive body of water in the vast Siberian taiga that's home to one of the most diverse ecosystems, faces threats ranging from pollution to climate change.

广阔的西伯利亚针叶林地带拥有复杂多样的生态系统,其中的巨大水体贝尔加湖却面临着从污染到气候变化等各种威胁。Lake Baikal, a massive body of water in the vast Siberian taiga that's home to one of the most diverse ecosystems , faces threats ranging from pollution to climate change.