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到底是空虚可怕还是毒品可怕?。Which one is more terrifying, vacuity or drugs?

闲暇是享受的,但是空虚却是煎熬的!Leisure is enjoyable, while vacuity is suffering.

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尤以脾虚、脾冷为多见。Spleen vacuity or spleen coldness is more common.

我在自己的棺材中醒来,黑暗、真空和寂静。I wake up in my coffin, dark, vacuity and silence.

经乱区分为血虚和肾虚。Chaotic menstruation differentiated between blood vacuity and kidney vacuity.

原发性血小板减少性紫癜临床以实热和阴虚火旺型多见。Type of fire heat and type of yin vacuity stirring fire often occurred in ITP.

你有没有过这样的发现,从我们成为大学生的那一刻,似乎随之我们的生活也变得充满了空虚与孤独。Do you find that from the moment we become college students, our lives are full of vacuity and loneliness.

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于是80年代中后期,人们的生活和思想中普遍的无聊、空虚出现了。From the middle and last period of 1980s, people generally feel humdrum and vacuity in their lives and ideas.

并将中药口服按照中医辨证本虚标实程度的不同选择不同剂量。Oral Chinese medicine chose different doses according to root vacuity and tip repletion differentiation of TCM syndrome.

论述了真空断路器灭弧室真空度下降的原因、在线监测的必要性。The reason of vacuum breaker quenching pot vacuity reduction and the necessity of vacuity online monitoring are discussed.

实热证的表现,其实是在虚热体质的基础上演变而来。The symptoms of repletion heat patterns as fact are developed from the foundation of vacuity heat patterns in constitution.

我们来看看空虚谬论,我们现在已经看过了相关性谬论,我们来看看空白性谬论。So we are looking at fallacies of vacuity we've looked at fallacies of relevance now we are looking at fallacies of vacuity.

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唯有音乐是心灵的伙伴,小提琴的声音让空气变得有些哀怨,轻柔的节奏反应着一种落迫无聊感。Only music are the buddy of soul, the voice of violin becoming a little sorrow, the gentle of the rhythm react abjection and vacuity.

因此,他固有的状态,是心中没有私欲的状态,或如周敦颐说的“静虚”状态。Therefore his innate state is one in which he has no selfish desires in his mind, or as Chou expresses it, one of vacuity in quiescence.

根据电光变换法原理,研制了真空断路器灭弧室真空度在线监测装置,并投入实际运行。A vacuity online monitoring set for vacuum breaker quenching pot is developed according to electric-light transform theory and put into operation.

临床上大多是「虚实夹杂」者居多,也就是「脾肾虚弱」与「溼热之邪」两者均有之。Clinically most situations manifest as vacuity repletion complexes, with spleen and kidney vacuity weakness and damp heat evil being the two primary patterns.

制备钎焊金刚石工具应选用高级别的金刚石磨粒及高真空度下较长时间的钎焊。The conclusion is got that the advanced diamond grits should be used and the brazing time can be longer under the high vacuity while preparing brazed diamond tools.

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按照他自己的话讲,他的幽默连同他抽烟的习惯源于他小时父母的离异,他用这种行为来掩饰内心的孤独和空虚。As his own saying, his humor as well as smoking results from his parents divorce when he was young. He takes the humor as a method to defend the loneliness and vacuity.

XELI采用真空溅镀技术,确保产品具有一流的单向透视性,为您提供一个流动的私人空间,同时增加您车内财物的安全性。XELI takes use of the vacuity plating technology to ensure every product will be the single Perspective. Provide a mobile private space to you and makes you more safety.

虽然在许多方面是一个产品,体现了他的时代,菲茨杰拉德是能够识破的魅力的生活方式,使精辟评注的道德真空。Though in many ways a product and an embodiment of his times, Fitzgerald was able to see through the glamour of the lifestyle to make incisive commentaries on its moral vacuity.