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什么棺材?What coffin?

面包片的形状看起来像棺材。The bread looks like a coffin.

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政府便送来一口棺材。The government sends a coffin.

管理机关的棺材。The coffin of the administration.

谈德站在棺木前面。Damdeok stands in front the coffin.

棺材合上时发出一声闷响。The coffin closed with a dull thud.

悼念者们排队走过棺材。The mourners filed past the coffin.

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“棺材板”里放了很多东西。Many things gosintosa coffin burger.

大牛,你看,这就是木椁的外围。See the outside of the outer coffin?

我们把旗帜覆盖在灵柩上。We draped the flag round the coffin.

我用玫瑰盖满他的灵柩。I covered his coffin with the largest.

扔进了尼罗河顺河漂流。Seth set the coffin adrift in the Nile.

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他们像一个棺材成形一个头。They have a he ad sh aped like a coffin.

我要把你关回那个铁棺材里去!I'll cage you in that coffin immediately!

最最伤感是流年,白发罩住了红颜。Is the most sentimental time, his coffin.

如果我死了,我只需要一个普通棺材。When I die, I just need an ordinary coffin.

他在棺柩被安放在一个深的墓穴中。His coffin was laid to rest in a deep grave.

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之后,“棺材板”就可以吃了。After this, the coffin burger is ready to eat.

这么大的木椁,的确不同寻常啊。Such a giant outer coffin is very rare indeed.

我点点头,继续盯着灵枢。I nodded as I continued to stare at the coffin.