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楔板实心蒙乃尔。Wedge solid Monel.

从前,有一只圆圈缺了一块楔子。Once, a circle missed a wedge.

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夹具则是采用了楔块夹紧装置。And clamp is the device of the wedge.

线夹的本体和楔子为可锻铸铁,热镀锌。The body and wedge are malleable iron.

因此,矮个男人几乎都要穿着坡跟鞋。So, most short men wear big wedge heels.

安全出口的大门不要栓上或常开。Do not wedge or keep open fire exit doors.

邓蒂斯知道他必须先进攻那块作为楔子的大石。Dantes reflected that he must attack his wedge.

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权重决定饼形图中楔形的宽度。The weight determines the width of the pie wedge.

尽管是一个不普通的人,但韦奇却有一个普通的名字。Although an uncommon man, Wedge has a common name.

请在橱底楔入楔子以防它倾斜。Please wedge this cabinet to keep it from tipping.

冷而密度大的冷气团迫使暖气团上升,就像插入的一枚楔子。The cold, dense air lifts the warm air like a wedge.

你准备好了结束你的犁式滑行和犁式转弯了吗?Are you ready to end your wedge and now plough turns?

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找一种可以网上支付的,将之用于讨价还价。Find an offer online and use it as a bargaining wedge.

有一名男子甚至试图将一个盒子放在中间,看看能不能将其撬开。One guy even tried to put a box in between to wedge it open.

嵌入一个楔子就可纠正误差。Rectification of this fault is achieved by insertion of a wedge.

卷心莴苣,半杯鹰嘴豆,夹一个柠檬。Just iceberg lettuce , half a cup of garbanzos and a lemon wedge.

沿薄膜的长度方向看干涉膜似尖劈。Along the length of the filter, the interference film like a wedge.

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这是通过利伯斯金先生的楔形闸板所精心制作的“超越障碍训练场”。This is elaborated by an "obstacle course" in Mr Libeskind's wedge.

“是啊,”金克尔说,“他们是一些很可爱的楔形凉鞋。"Yeah, " says Kinkel, "they're from some really cute wedge sandals.

研究了松动槽楔在电机定子中的分布。In addition, this paper studies the distribution of wedge looseness.