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当重复这个独特的「谁在你里面?」The repeated use of this unique koan 'Who is in?

杜尚的行动颇似禅宗的棒喝。Marcel Duchamp's doings are very similar to Koan of Zend Buddhism.

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我的思考最终将引导我分析马丁·海德格尔的“公案”。I think the final will guide my analysis of Martin Heidegger's "koan."

所以首先你必须明白什么是禅,什么是公案。Koan. First you have to understand the meaning of Zen and the meaning of a koan.

公案本身所具有的一些特征对苏黄诗歌艺术也有着很大的影响。Zen Koan itself has some characteristics which also has great influence on the art of poetry.

因为我们的国情不一样,我们习惯有事找民警,习惯看公案小说。Because our circumstances are different, we are used they approached police, accustomed to see koan novel.

佛教禅宗的打坐戒律和其令人费解的禅理似乎很有启发性。Zen Buddhism, with its discipline of meditation and its perplexing koan riddles, seems powerfully enlightening.

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随着文字禅的兴起,公案成为了禅门僧人参禅悟道的对象,公案的影响更加广泛。With the rise of literal Zen, Zen Koan had became the object of enlightenment, Koan's influence became even wider.

他的一些诗歌中表达了他对“空”的理解和感悟,禅宗公案的语言形式也被他吸收并运用于诗歌创造,禅定时的一些体验在他的诗歌中亦有所表现。In some of his poems, we can see not only his understanding of the Void and his meditation thoughts, but also some elements of koan.

专注的修法和公案的参究与藉身体的动作培养觉知的方法相当不同。The method of concentration and the silent recitation of a koan is quite different from the method of developing awareness through bodily movement.

在这里,情书公园的长椅上,而啄木鸟的声音一刽子手的钟谎言,玫瑰变成了对死亡公案,并希望与第一场雪关闭。Here, love letters lie on park benches while the woodpecker sounds an executioner's bell, a rose becomes a koan about death, and hope closes with the first snow.