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他无情地鞭打他的仆人。He ruthlessly lammed out at his servant.

高度自我中心的病态阴谋家。Ruthlessly self-centred psychopathic schemers.

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叙利亚正试图无情地粉碎抵抗。Syria is trying to ruthlessly crush resistance.

时代的铁轮,辗过他们的身躯。The iron wheels of the epoch, ran them over ruthlessly.

这些动物由于遭到无情的捕猎而濒于灭绝。The animals were ruthlessly hunted to the verge of extinction.

那具死婴正凸着双目,狠狠地瞪着我。That dead baby is just convex double eyes, ruthlessly stare me.

布莱指挥官奉命无情地杀害了塞库拉。Clone Commander Bly carried out the order, ruthlessly killing Secura.

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他临走时还凶狠狠地咒骂。He still is fierce to ruthlessly curse and scold just before walking.

受到侵略者残酷镇压的人民是决不会向他们屈服的。The people who were held down ruthlessly would not yield to aggressors.

艺术品和珍贵史料全被无情地毁掉了。Works of art and priceless historical records were ruthlessly destroyed.

共和八年的行政制度是严厉无情的,然而又是彻底和完备的。The system of the year VIII was ruthlessly thorough and heartlessly perfect.

就在阿虎弯腰谢礼之际,刀锋的木棒狠狠地敲在了他的头上,阿虎昏死过去。In AHu bend at XieLi blade stick ruthlessly knock on his head, AHu unconscious.

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只要有人类迁居的地方,就会对爪哇虎残忍地捕杀或下毒。Wherever man moved in, the Javan tigers were ruthlessly hunted down or poisoned.

“她是我母亲!”我彷佛被烫到的猫,朝他恶狠狠地叫。"She is my mama! "My seeming to is burned of feline, empire he wrong ruthlessly call.

但等秋天一到,凄风苦雨会把破败不堪的真容暴露无遗。But when autumn arrives, the wind and rain will ruthlessly expose the gaps and cracks.

他们在一种无情地清除弱小和安分守己者的制度中占了上风。They have prevailed in a system that ruthlessly weeds out the timid and the scrupulous.

路过的,游过的,老少爷们,姑娘媳妇,给俺狠狠踩上一脚。Transient, having swum , old young masters, girl's wife, step on a kick ruthlessly for me!

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俄国革命由上往下无情地强加,中国则是靠游击战。The Russian revolution was imposed ruthlessly from above, the Chinese one by guerrilla war.

她在这里打字,直至天明。Here she typed until the early hours and, after typing, ruthlessly cut what she had written.

在那里,维德和卢克爆发了一场光剑决斗,维德获得胜利,无情地斩断卢克持剑的手。He and Luke clashed in a lightsaber duel that Vader won by ruthlessly severing Luke's sword-hand.