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中联地毯欢迎您!Vanda carpet welcome you!

万带兰的组织培养和试管苗栽培初探。Preliminary Study on the Tissue Culture of Vanda sp.

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卓锦万代兰是新加坡的国花。Vanda miss joaquim is the national flower of singapore.

在家吃晚饭中联谈到注意皮波·左。At a family dinner, Vanda talks about the note Pippo left.

新加坡的国花是卓锦万带兰。The national flower of Singapore is the Vanda Miss Joaquim.

他们分配乔凡尼说服中联赶上别人外表。They assign Giovanni to persuade Vanda to keep up appearances.

万带兰属的兰花,花大,有疏松的总状花序。Orchids of the genus Vanda having many large flowers in loose racemes.

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请教红字部分是“这种花生长在兰花园很是偶然”还是“兰花园有时举办兰花展览”?谢谢!The orchid vanda miss joaquim is singapore's national flower and occasionally this flower is displayed at the orchid garden.

中联成立于一九八二年,是亚洲区首屈一指的信息科技服务供应商,专门从事系统基建及应用解决方案业务。Founded in 1982, Vanda is a premier IT solutions provider in Asia that specializes in systems infrastructure and application solutions services.

中联于中国大陆,为多家银行金融机构提供系统集成与软件应用服务,在该市场稳占领导地位。Vanda is a market leader in mainland China in the provision of systems integration and software applications services in the banking and finance sector.

中联地毯公司作为广东惠州工艺地毯公司的销售公司在京已经成立十年,已得到广大用户的普遍认同。Vanda carpet company as a process of huizhou fills the carpet company sales company in Beijing has established ten years, has accepted the broad masses of users.

中联于中国大陆,为多家银行金融机构提供系统集成与软件应用服务,是该市场领导者之一。Vanda is a one of the market leader in mainland China in the provision of systems integration and software applications services in the banking and finance sector.

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此次推广会为中联重科在铜川市场树立了良好的品牌以及企业形象,让中联品牌、中联企业文化更加深入人心。The companies in tongchuan vanda weight for setting up a good brand market and corporate image, brand, vanda vanda let enterprise culture more thorough popular feeling.

这让我看看1980年的男装女性化的新浪漫主义,尤其是承担主要研究“俱乐部走猫步”展览在万带兰。This led me to look at femininity in menswear of the 1980's especially that of the New Romantic's, undertaking primary research at the 'Club to Catwalk' exhibition at the VandA.

从中联重科获悉,在建筑行业一片繁荣和国家禁止现场搅拌砂浆政策出台后,干混砂浆这一国内新兴市场备受业内和客户关注。Vanda heavy section, from a boom in building industry and national ban after mixing cement mortar policies site dry mortar, a domestic industry and emerging market by customer focus.

中联透过与国际主要信息科技业务夥伴的紧密合作,利用应用软体、数据库、硬体及开发工具等多元化配置,致力为客户提供一站式的解决方案。Vanda collaborates with major global IT partners to deliver one-stop-shop solutions employing a wide range of application software, databases, hardware and development tools to its clients.