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而强迫性说谎是可以借由心理疗法及谘商来治疗。Therapy and counseling can cure compulsive lying.

其他赌徒可能更加不理性。Other compulsive bettors may be even less rational.

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那么强迫购买行为是一种成瘾症吗?So could compulsive buying be an addiction disorder?

大家知道,他是个嗜赌成癖的赌徒。It's common knowledge that he's a compulsive gambler.

在餐厅工作会有一个强迫性问题。There's a compulsive problem to working at a restaurant.

有些人遭受一种叫做“强迫性说谎”的疾病。Some people also suffer from a disorder known as compulsive lying.

中国籍人士必填此项,外国籍人士没有可不填。Compulsive only for Chinese, foreign applicants can skip this item.

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不赌博的人害怕涉足的地方,那些赌徒可能反而趋之若鹜。Where a non-gambler fears to tread the compulsive gambler may rush in.

先生说话带有强制性地说个不停,他总是尽量贬低他的朋友。Mr. A is a compulsive talker and belittles his friends whenever he can.

甚至查收电子邮件也能变成一种难以抑制的强迫行为。Even checking email can become a compulsive behavior that's hard to stop.

当切割成为强迫行为,它似乎不可能停止。When cutting becomes a compulsive behavior, it can seem impossible to stop.

有时候,即便我们正念专注于生起的心念上,它们还是会非常强烈而且驱迫著我们。Sometimes thinking can be strong and compulsive even while we are aware of it.

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这个实验也可说明毒品上瘾和其它强迫行为。That study has implications for drug addiction and other compulsive behaviors.

这就是不加思索产生的行为。或者说。是种反射和强迫。This is behavior that occurs without thinking, or it is a reflex and compulsive.

盗窃狂身不由己的小偷,偷东西是因为无法自制。A kleptomaniac is a compulsive thief who steals because he or she cannot help it.

事实上,我也不再强迫自己做任何事情。In fact, I stopped allowing myself to be compulsive about anything, " says Schaus.

同样地,过度好奇导致重复性、消耗性和强迫性的行为。Likewise, too much interest results in repetitive, consuming and compulsive behaviour.

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隐匿性抑郁症患者病前有强迫性和癔病性格特征。Occult depressed patients before have compulsive and hysteria disease characteristics.

12岁以来,我就一直遭受着强迫性拔毛症的折磨。Since I was 12 years old, I've suffered with a condition called Compulsive Hair Pulling.

这样强迫性的寻找药物,最严重的结果就是和人类成瘾一样。Compulsive drug-seeking even in the face of bad consequences is a measure of human addiction.