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他指挥了围攻柏林的战役。He captained the siege of Berlin.

新闻记者把她的公寓围得水泄不通。The press laid siege to her flat.

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这是印度面临的恐怖包围。This is a terrorist siege of India.

增加投刃车的攻城伤害。Increase siege damage from Glaive Thrower.

你还记得在阿瓦砾卡的那次围城吗?。You remember that little siege at Avaricum?

新版里海军将领也有围城值。In 1.16, naval leaders will also get siege pips.

该城受长期围困而被迫弃守。The town was forced to yield after a long siege.

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肺炎的长期折磨,使他变得很虚弱。The siege of pneumonia debilitated him completely.

但现在陷入诘难的却是芬克尔斯坦的理论。Now it is Finkelstein's theory that is under siege.

起义军围攻京城。The insurrectionary army laid siege to the capital.

1852年太平天国部队奠定了围困长沙。In 1852 the Taiping forces laid a siege on Changsha.

法国和越南的军队进入了一场旷日持久的围城战。The French and Vietminh settled in for a long siege.

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增加攻城车以及其炮塔的所有伤害。Increase all damage from Siege Engine and its turrets.

芬丹必须设法突破敌人的防线,粉碎敌人的围剿。Findan will have to break their lines and lift the siege.

这是生活在围城中的人们所承受的压力。It is the stress of a people living in a city under siege.

市民们进行突击,试图冲破包围。The citizens sallied out in an attempt to break the siege.

人物可以养活一座城池,尽管这是巨大的花费。The character could survive a siege although at great cost.

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德国的围攻仍在继续,而巴黎的市容也有所变化But the siege goes on and on, and Paris changes appearances.

他的妻子和癌症抟斗三年后辞世。His wife died after an agonizing three-year siege of cancer.

长江江豚的灭亡将会是生态系统遭受破坏的一个标志。The finless porpoise is an icon of an ecosystem under siege.