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谢绝参观。Inspection declined.

检查门在筒仓屋顶。Inspection door on silo roof.

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按巡回路线进行检讨。Make a walk-around inspection.

它刚在这周通过了车检!It passed inspection this week!

恳请莅临视察。Inspection is cordially invited.

按巡回路线进行检查。Make a walk-around inspection. e!

对场地进行详细的检查。A minute inspection of the grounds.

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截止日前的检查权。Inspection Rights Prior to Closing.

日本瓦斯器具检查协会。Japan Gas Appliances Inspection Assn.

你们多久做一次安全检查?How often do you do safety inspection?

上甲板冲水试验检查。Inspection hosing test for upper deck.

WebService调用跟踪和检查WebService calls tracing and inspection

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商检工作那么简单。The commodity inspection is no easy job.

检查屋顶时未发现渗漏。An inspection of the roof showed no leaks.

把气缸盖打开检查。Open up the cylinder cover for inspection.

这一问题是纯粹的卫生检疫问题。This is simply a hygienic inspection issue.

那么谁来负责检验费呢?。Who will take charge of the inspection fee?

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安排经常性的轧辊检验。Arrange regular inspection of roll journals.

我非常尊重你们的商检局。As much as I respect your Inspection Bureau.

全船房舱完整性提交。Completeness of all cabins to be inspection.