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一只燕子飞过去了。A swallow flew past.

对,嚼嚼咽下去。Yes, chew and swallow.

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我老是呛水。I always swallow water.

遇饵便咬的鱼很快被捉。To take or swallow bait.

那只燕子飕地飞掠而过。The swallow whirred past.

你们会被地狱吞噬吧?Will hell swallow you up?

你们会被地狱吞噬吧?“Will hell swallow you up?"

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你现在自食其言。You swallow your words now.

他们会生吞了他。They would swallow him alive.

她就是我的好朋友—燕。She is my good friend swallow.

然后变身成一只燕子。And reincarnate into a swallow.

如果你愿意,吞了它吧,我的小心肝。Swallow it if you like, my love.

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一燕不能成春。One swallow does not make spring.

看着长柄勺被吞进水罐。To see the pot swallow the ladle.

还有,不要呛到池水。And, don't ever swallow pool water.

嗳呀,多么荒唐!吞咽了一只鸟!Now, how absurd! To swallow a bird!

一燕不成夏。One swallow does not make a summer.

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只顾仰头望燕飞。Only at swallow does rear its head.

然后史汀生蟒蛇就整吞下猎物。They then swallow their prey whole.

你们认为我会轻信那个故事吗?Am I supposed to swallow that story?