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我把它到做计算来用。I've captured it as a computation.

叫做生物医学计算。It's called Bio-Medical Computation.

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好了,嗯,咱们开始讲讲计算机。Good. OK. Let's talk about computation.

这就是计算的基础。And here's the basis of the computation.

最后我便可以打开计算返回最初嵌套了。And I unwrap the computation to get back.

开孔,封头和壳体,计算。Openings, head and shell, computation of.

但是我们怎么知道它何时结束呢?Well notice what the computation is doing.

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“生物物理学的运算”第六章。Koch, C. Chap. 6 in Biophysics of Computation.

这就导致了累赘计算。And that leads to a lot of redundant computation.

在计算中,采用贴体坐标的办法处理整个流动区域。BFC is adapted to dispose the computation domain.

计算必须活泼泼地翻腾,表现。Computation must seethe andbehaveas if it is alive.

我怎么能做这个计算使用霓虹内联函数?How can I do this computation using NEON intrinsics?

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好了,这基本上就是关于计算相关的东西。All right. That's what computation basically is about.

最后对IDCT单元的运算精度进行了验证。Finally, the computation accuracy of IDCT is verified.

计算是证明的原则,此言不差啊。The computation was, so to speak, a "proof of principle."

换名话说,精确计算机需要一个正规的计算模式。In other words, they needed a formal model of computation.

对计算系统和计算的系统学习。The systematic study of computing systems and computation.

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本文讨论一种线天线计算的新方法。A new method for computation of wire antennas is discussed.

射线跟踪算法的计算量较大,耗时较长。Ray-tracing algorithm needs a great deal of computation time.

这样可能会提供一个捷径,节省大量的计算能量。This may offer a shortcut, saving a lot of computation power.