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传言非虚。It's not just hearsay.

我们只是听说那些。We have only hearsay for that.

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似是而非及异端邪说被视为真理。Half-truth and hearsay was called truth.

不可只因常听人这麽说,就信以为真。Do not believe merely because it is hearsay.

传言在法律上是不足采信的证据。Hearsay is not admissible evidence in court.

通常,道听涂说在法庭上不许作为证据。Generally, hearsay is not permissible evidence in court.

我曾认为我们所知的关于希腊的一切都不过是传说。I had assumed that all we knew of the Greeks was hearsay.

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它比传闻或口传传统要好。It's better than just rumor or hearsay or oral tradition.

从报告中删除不可采信的传闻证据。Inadmissible hearsay evidence was expunged from the report.

被告辩护律师驳斥该证据为道听途说。The attorney for the defense challenged the evidence as hearsay.

这些小道消息被当作一派胡言而一笑置之。These hearsay are treated as nonsense and push it away with a smile.

不要被报告、传统或者流言误导。Now, look you Kalamas, do not be led by reports, or tradition, or hearsay.

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这就意味着允许依据间接所闻的信息建立起合理可能。Never hesitate to use hearsay information to help establish probable cause.

他们只是去的道听途说和重复表里如一亲的使用。They're just going by hearsay and duplicating what they think the pro's are using.

哪怕只传传流言蜚语和道听途说都能灌输强烈影响。Even just passing gossip and hearsay can prime your mind for illness with potent effect.

在“红楼梦中人”选拔中,网上就出现了许多关于李欣汝的传闻。In "the red chamber dreamboat" selects , on-line appeared many about Li Xin your hearsay.

实际上,峨眉山索道提价的传闻,去年春天就已经在坊间流传。In fact, hearsay Mt. Emei Cableways price, last spring has been circulating in the market.

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当我浏览科学作品的时候,我发现这个理论全都是基于民间传说和道听途说的。It was all based upon folklore and hearsay when I looked through the scientific literature.

是的,最近很火的一个传言是张柏芝已经怀孕三个月了。That's right. The recent hot hearsay is that Cecilia Cheung has been pregnant for three months.

伪造者必须查出被摹仿者生于何处,生平在哪里活动过,在哪里留有传闻。Forged must be found to be imitate those born where life where activities have, where left hearsay.