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如果你固定在十字架上,您应该只看到一个新月。If you fixate on the cross, you should only see a crescent.

“你必须思想开放,不要关注其他人的想法,”戴安说。"You have to be open-minded and not fixate on what other people think, " said Diane.

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而且,我们更乐意“围着问题转”,或者盯着一些消极事情不放。In addition, we have a tendency to 'play with problem' or fixate on something negative.

如此坚持的交易者是只见树木,不见森林。Traders who fixate like that are looking at the tree instead of seeing the whole forest.

当你遇见问题时,只关注你所知道的前辈是如何解决它的。When confronted with a problem, fixate on what you were taught about how past thinkers solved it.

眼动跟踪记录这些移动,并且当眼睛注视时,标记中心凹的位置。The eye tracker records these movements and the location of the foveal vision when the eyes fixate.

人生很漫长,由许多不同的章节组成,所以没必要在一毕业就非要找到“完美”的工作。Life is long and full of many chapters, so don't overly fixate on finding the "perfect" job out of school.

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海龟们被告知,不要关心哪个市场在本月或本年赚钱,也不要关心哪个市场亏钱了。The Turtles were taught not to fixate on what particular market made money that month or year or what market lost money.

或许甚至比那些要求很多的名人都要糟糕,学步的婴儿可以专注一种食物好几周,然后突然就不喜欢了。Perhaps even worse than the most demanding of celebrities, toddlers can fixate on one food for weeks and then suddenly despise it.

这个时候的鸟可能将注视到一个没有生命的物体,视为潜在交配对象或者受攻击的敌人。At this time the bird might fixate strongly on an inanimate object, treating it either as a potential mate or an enemy to be attacked.

侧块螺钉习惯上用于下位颈椎的固定,而椎弓根螺钉用于胸椎。Lateral mass screws are traditionally used to fixate the subaxial cervical spine, while pedicle screws are used in the thoracic spine.

根据研究报告,最好的维持一个长期快乐的恋爱的方法是不要执着于初恋产生的激情。According to the report, the best way to ensure long-term happiness in a relationship is not to fixate on how you fell head over heels the first time.

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“你必须思想开放,不要关注其他人的想法,”戴安说。“还要有强烈的自我意识以及一定的灵活性。”"You have to be open-minded and not fixate on what other people think," said Diane. "And have a strong sense of self, and some degree of flexibility."

让韩国继续做它把朝鲜带回到谈判桌上的美梦,让日本继续凝视对其公民犯下数十年之久的错误,让中国独自承担内爆,战争或核扩散的风险。Let Seoul engage in frenetic attempts to bring someone in Pyongyang to the negotiating table. Let Japan fixate on decades-old wrongs committed against its citizens.

“成功的品牌不会为了酷而有意为之,他们只是做好自己的事,坚持他们的原则,奉行自己的价值观”,奥蒂斯如是说。"Successful brands don't fixate over being cool, instead they just do their own thing, stick to their founding principles and follow what they think is right," says Cheliotis.

在一个漫长的系列研究中,心理学家已经证实,当人们被提醒自己某一天会死时,他们就会更加坚定自我价值的核心属性。In a long series of studies, psychologists have shown that when people are reminded that they will one day die, they fixate on attributes they consider central to their self worth.