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在狂暴的风雪中震颤。In tempests turbulent.

水势汹涌。The current is turbulent.

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吵闹的会议最终以拳脚相向而结束。The turbulent meeting ended in a fist fight.

他开始了动荡不定的政治生涯。He entered upon a turbulent political career.

对于欧元而言,这又是充满骚乱的一周。IT HASbeen another turbulent week for the euro.

革命充满了暴力、骚乱和血腥。A revolution is violent, turbulent and sanguinary.

即使在那个动荡不安的年代,也从不浪费一刻功夫。Even during turbulent times, not a moment was wasted.

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对布吕尼来说,获此殊荣可谓给今年的流年不利“画上了圆满的句号”。The award rounds off a turbulent year for Miss Bruni.

在当今动荡的经济,它更是难上加难。In today’s turbulent economy, it is even more difficult.

注型管从湍流抖振是可能的。NOTE-Tube vibration from turbulent buffeting is possible.

黏性流、层流和紊流边界层。Viscous-fluid flow, laminar and turbulent boundary layers.

一座庄严的大桥由一只船运载着穿过狂暴的海洋?A stately bridge carried over the turbulent water by a boat?

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这类公司经常是到动乱地区训练部队。Oftens the companies are training armies in turbulent areas.

凹腔是高湍流度超声速燃烧的火焰稳定装置。Cavity is flame holder in high turbulent supersonic combustion.

当前的国际局势依然紧张动荡。The present international situation remains tense and turbulent.

锡兰异常曲折的历史对热衷于建国的人是一种警告。Sealand's turbulent history stands as a warning to nation-builders.

在动荡的战争年代,他导引精灵们正确认识死亡。In the turbulent war age, he guides the elf to know the death aright.

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湍流将紧挨着球的曲面,从而减少足球的空气阻力。Turbulent air flow would hug the curvature of the ball, reducing drag.

在太阳狂爆表面上,炽热物质旋绕着一个太阳黑点。Fiery formations swirl around a sunspot on the sun's turbulent surface.

如果中国现在就让人民币实现自由浮动的话,可能会在短期内引发动荡。If China floats the yuan today, it may be turbulent for a short period.