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从上面攻击!Attack from above!

端口扫描攻击。Port scanning attack.

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魔法攻击异兽。"animals" attack magic.

他们敦促我发起进攻。They urged me to attack.

保持战斗队形!Maintain attack formation!

不要攻击批评者,要从善如流。Don't attack the messenger.

修正鱼人攻击计时问题。Fix the merm attack timing.

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对地巡航导弹。Land Attack Crusie Missile.

强酸侵蚀金属。Strong acids attack metals.

威震天,我们被袭击!Megatron we are under attack.

进攻是最好的防御。The best defense is to attack.

猴子打架时会笑。Monkeys laugh when they attack.

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小心他们的蜂刺。Watch out for the sting attack.

什么诱发哮喘病发作?What triggers an asthma attack?

你攻击了刚纳村子吗?Did you attack Gunnar's village?

就在45岁时,他却死于心脏病。He died of a heart attack at 45.

我们试图夜袭。We attempted an attack by night.

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你可能死于心脏病发。You could die of a heart attack.

象这样的病我们就称做晕厥。Such an attack is termed syncope.

那要塞怎麽也攻不下来。The fortress defied every attack.