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杜库是一个政治理想主义者。Dooku was a political idealist.

在现政府的眼中,他是一位过度的理想主义者。He's too much of an idealist for this government.

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但年轻的理想主义者“标准”人们受不了了。But the young idealist “standards” people went nuclear.

一个是不辞辛劳的实用主义者,另一个是机智善变的自由主义者。One is a hard-working pragmatist, the other a mercurial idealist.

理想主义者说,“我比你更在乎红杉树。The idealist says, "I care more about the redwood trees than you do."

我如此这般看待金钱和私有财产,似乎有些理想主义。It seems a bit idealist for me to think of money and private properties.

总之,装修会把一个理想主义者磨成随遇而安的人。Anyhow, decorate meet the person with an an idealist happy-go-lucky wear.

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的确,一个年轻的乖戾之人没有善心,一个年老的理想主义者没有头脑。Indeed, whereas a young curmudgeon has no heart, an old idealist has no head.

她推荐一些带有理想主义色彩的组织,这些组织将会是为志愿者提供机会,成为很有帮助的来源。She recommended as a helpful resource for volunteer opportunities.

这是一场唯物主义与唯心主义的大论战。This is a heated debate which involves materialist as opposed to idealist views.

如果以为理性认识可以不从感性认识得来,他就是一个唯心论者。if one thinks rational knowledge is not get from perceptual,then he is an idealist.

天枰座,属于阳性星座的,大多是有进取心的、积极主动的理想主义者。Days Ping seat, belongs to the masculine sign, mostly is aggressive, active idealist.

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徐徐抱出,著毡帐中,唯心下微□,口有气息。Hugs slowly, wears in the felt account, idealist under micro □, the mouth has the breath.

理想主义的男人们会幻想有理想的性爱——美好漂亮的表现。Idealist men are often preoccupied with ideal sex -- that perfect beauty and performance.

如果以为理性认识可以不从感性认识得来,他就是一个唯心论者。If he considers rational knowledge are not from perceptual knowledge,then he is Idealist.

理想主义者自动地逃避生活,因为他受不了那种人群的竞争挤撞。The idealist withdrew himself, because he could not suffer the jostling of the human crowd.

瑞斯·伊凡斯扮演卢娜·洛夫古德的父亲,一个一直相信哈利·波特的理想主义者。Rhys Ifan plays the father of Luna Lovegood, an idealist who always believed in Harry Potter.

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对于人类的意图和行为,我有着相当乐观的看法,正如一个无可就药的理想主义者。I have a fairly optimistic view of human intention and behaviour, as befits an incurable idealist.

芒福德最初是一个唯心主义者,但是他没有完全陷进唯心主义的泥潭。Though Mumford is primarily an idealist but he does not fall into the pitfall of extreme idealism.

他失去了充满智慧的撞锤,成为一个你几乎可以形容为理想主义者的人。He lost his intelligent rammer, and became something you could hardly distinguish from an idealist.