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在网上支付账单。Pay bills online.

什么是欧尔丁在线?What is Aldine Online?

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那就是网上教育。That is online education.

怎样加入欧尔丁在线?How to join Aldine Online?

应当说是我们的网上生活的一部分。I should say our online life.

但是网络课堂就不会这样。Not with an online education.

反射炉启动了。The reflex furnace is online.

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课程大纲已经贴在网上了The syllabus is posted online.

我们需要一个在线上载。We'll need an online uploader.

在线购买我们的网上购物。Buy online with our e-shopping.

你在网上查过了吗?Did you try to track it online?

2009网上数据总量为281艾字节Exabytes of Online Data in 2009

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现在的网络音乐太浮躁了。Online music now is over-hyped.

“小陈”是他的网络名。"Xiao Chen" is his online name.

广州市官员于是将这些数据公布在了网上。City officials posted it online.

嗯,我想知道网上有什么新消息。Hmm, I wonder what's new online.

网聊就是消遣时间。To chat online is a time-waster.

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到那时,我将在网上与您见面。Until then, I'll see you online.

为什么不上网搜索呢?Why not do some online research?

你可以在线上注册E-1课程。You can register for E-1 online.