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日间奢睡可以是由睡眠紊乱造成的。Daytime sleepiness can be caused by sleep disorders.

倦感,睡意和不可避免的工作效率的大幅下降。Grogginess, sleepiness and the inevitable productivity plummet.

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睡眠问题还可能由特定的疾病和药物引起。Problem sleepiness can also be caused by certain illnesses and medications.

短暂的唤醒导致破碎的睡眠,从而需要过度的白天睡眠。The repeated arousals caused sleep fragmentation and, hence, daytime sleepiness.

他们常常表现出极少的镇定和更少的症状,如疲劳或瞌睡。They tended to report less sedation and fewer symptoms like tiredness or sleepiness.

Lyrica最常见的副作用包括轻度到中度的眩晕和困倦。The most common side effects of Lyrica include mild-to-moderate dizziness and sleepiness.

印度大麻会给人带来放松感甚至是睡意,因为它是一种温和的镇定剂。Cannabis can cause a chilled out feeling or even sleepiness because it is a mild sedative.

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此药已经获准用于治疗因倒班产生的嗜睡和瞌睡症状。The medicine is already approved to fight narcolepsy and sleepiness related to shift work.

今晚我要思想的两点是可悲的沈睡与有盼望的清醒。The two points in this evening's text are—a mournful sleepiness and a hopeful wakefulness.

这样频繁的打断睡眠会导致白天额外的疲劳和困倦。The frequent interruptions of deep sleep leads to excessive daytime fatigue and sleepiness.

白天有规律的小憩倒是没什么,但是睡多了到晚上你就该睡不着了。Planned daytime naps are fine, but naps caused by sleepiness will ruin your night-time sleep.

第一个晚上有一点点困难,在凌晨一点到五点两个小憩之间我间或感到疲劳和嗜睡。Last night was semi-difficult, with lots of sleepiness and fatigue between the 1am and 5am naps.

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有时睾丸素偏低会导致睡眠障碍,如失眠或嗜睡。Sometimes low testosterone causes sleep disturbances, such as insomnia, or increased sleepiness.

褪黑激素也可以让人在白天产生睡意,在白天时松果体不生产褪黑激素。Melatonin can also increase sleepiness during the day, when the pineal gland is not producing it.

除了感觉有一些疲劳,低血糖和略微的嗜睡外还没发生什么很严重的问题。No serious problems thus far aside from some fatigue, lower concentration, and occasional sleepiness.

阶段的困意消失后,在接下来的一段内你会很难入睡。Push past a period of sleepiness and you likely won't be able to fall asleep very easily for a while.

以白天过度嗜睡就诊者3例,以猝倒就诊者3例。Three cases were admitted to hospital for excessive daytime sleepiness while another 3 for cataplexy.

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催产素也认为有降低压力水平的功用,这可能又引起放松和睡意。Oxytocin is also thought to reduce stress levels, which again could lead to relaxation and sleepiness.

我所指的“想睡的征兆”是指当你的头脑开始释放激素,促使你瞌睡。The onset of sleepiness I’m referring to is when your brain starts releasing hormones to knock you out.

如果你的大脑依靠化学物质的话,那么不要指望你的睡意会在合适的时间到来。Don’t expect natural sleepiness to occur at the right time if you’re screwing with your brain chemistry.