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知道肉馅羊肚是什么吗?Don’t know what haggis is?

羊杂肠是苏格兰的传统食物。Haggis is Scotland's national dish.

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他的马裤是用用牧羊人派做的。His breeches were made of haggis bags.

“带我去那儿。”哈吉斯对洛根说。“Take me there,” Haggis said to Logan.

在庄园酒店,哈吉斯进行了“净化”。At the Manor Hotel, Haggis went “Clear.”

哈吉斯和艾莉萨慢慢地重新开始沟通。Haggis and Alissa slowly resumed communication.

哈吉斯发现心灵电仪表令人惊奇地敏感。Haggis found the E-Meter surprisingly responsive.

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他的马裤是用用牧羊人派做的,牧羊人派。His breeches were made of haggis bags, haggis bags.

这是他和哈吉斯位数不多的几次见面之一。It was one of the few times that he and Haggis met.

“他是保龄球馆看门人,”哈吉斯告诉我。“He was a janitor in a bowling alley,” Haggis told me.

哈吉斯告诉我,他和这样的目标相去甚远。Haggis had told me that he fell far short of this goal.

“他是一个保龄球馆看门人,”哈吉斯告诉我。“He was a janitor in a bowling alley, ” Haggis told me.

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“我一开始是把它当作一种应用哲学的,”哈吉斯说。“It was pitched to me as applied philosophy,” Haggis says.

哈吉斯提到他年轻时吸过毒。Haggis mentioned that he had taken drugs when he was young.

这一番谈话过后不久,哈吉斯和黛安就结婚了。Soon after this conversation, Haggis and Diane Gettas got married.

哈吉斯回想起山达基对捐赠的需求从来没有停止过。Haggis recalls that the demands for donations never seemed to stop.

哈吉斯没有公开说过他从山达基退教的事。Haggis had not spoken publicly about his resignation from Scientology.

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哈吉斯素来与他交好,这次想让他帮忙写部反映“911”后美国情况的电影。Haggis wanted help writing a film about the country after September 11.

哈吉斯说当他来到片场时,斯皮尔伯格把他拉到一边窃窃私语。Haggis says that when he appeared on the set Spielberg pulled him aside.

在他的脱教信中,哈吉斯说,“我们都知道这个策略方针的存在。In his resignation letter, Haggis said, “We all know this policy exists.