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他没有像一个笨蛋了。He didn't go out like a chump.

对于玛丽巴赫来说,2分钱并非可有可无的零钱。For Mary Bach, 2 cents isn't chump change.

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所以,律师VS程序员,哪一个是冠军?So, lawyer vs programmer, which one isthe chump?

相比迈克尔·菲尔普斯,你就是泳池里出没的一个笨蛋。Compared to Michael Phelps you are a chump in and out of the pool.

有的人甚至说,如果你不作弊的话,你就会感觉像个笨蛋一样。Some even say that if you don't cheat, you will feel like a chump.

还是说,只有像我这样的笨蛋才相信辛勤工作应该获得回报?Or am I just a chump for believing that hard work should be rewarded?

我们发现了一些让那些高跟鞋设计师们刮目相看的鞋子。We've found some fancy footwear that makes those designer heels look like chump change.

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你们会觉得像我这样笨的人在竞争极为激烈的互联网上是没有立足之地的。You’d think a chump like me wouldn’t stand a chance in the hyper competitive online world.

他们所有的工作就是政治狡辩并使你在世界面前看起来像一大块肉片。They all work political chicanery and make you look like a chump before the eyes of the world.

“你要是害怕,就是大傻瓜一个,”杜洛埃说,“来吧,振作起来。我就在这里看着你。”"Well, you're a chump for being afraid, " said Drouet. "Come on now, brace up. I'll watch you from right here. "

巴菲特,高盛最大的股东,与总统会面后的第二天,高盛案以鸡毛蒜皮的方式了解。Buffett, the largest shareholder in Goldman Sachs, meets with the President, the next day Goldman settles for chump change.

要超过这援助数字,你必须把战争和防卫这些耗资大项加进去。You have to turn to much bigger initiatives, like war and defense, to get beyond this chump change and approach the bailout figure.

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尽管你可以在家通过一个虚拟的私人网络形式来进行你的工作,不要忘记你的公司将警惕地关注你的生产效率水平。Why toil away in the office like a chump when today's technology means you can bunk off with impunity ?Melissa Harrison doesn't rate your chances of successful skiving.