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今天我们这儿下了一场冰雹。Today we were visited by a hailstone fall.

冰雹劈里啪啦地敲打着窗玻璃。Hailstone are rattling on the window-panes.

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正在生长的草被冰雹压下去了。The growing grass was crushed down by hailstone.

那天下了好大的冰雹,地上有一层厚厚的冰。There was a heavy hailstone and a thick ice on the ground.

一阵倾盆大雨直泻到我们的身上,每一雨点打来都象冰雹般刺痛。A shower of rain drove down upon us, each drop stinging like a hailstone.

一阵倾盆大雨直泻到我们身上,每个雨点打来都像冰雹般刺痛。A shower of rain poured down upon us, each drop stinging like a hailstone.

另一位说他小货车的窗户没关,被一颗飞进来的冰雹击中,不省人事。Another was knocked2 unconscious by a hailstone that came through the open window of his pick-up.

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2007年7月9日,秦皇岛市发生多起雷击事故,局部地点还出现了冰雹。On July 9 of 2007, there were many lightning accidents in Qinghuangdao City and hailstone in parts of sites.

重灾频率和成灾面积比的分布与受灾频率基本相反。The distribution of ratio of heavy disaster frequency to the area affected by hailstone is basically contrary.

对雹块的固夹,用半导体致冷器直接冻住的方法代替了真空吸引。For the fixture of hailstone the direct freezing by a semiconductor refrigerator is used instead of the vacuum attraction.

结果表明,石家庄冰雹的时空分布特征明显,有3条主要路径,路径所经区域也是冰雹发生的高风险区。The results showed that the spatiotemporal distribution characteristics of hailstone in Shijiazhuang were obvious, and there were 3 main paths.

此外,7月8日丹东受到罕见风雹的袭击,26日至27日丹东暴雨引发了泥石流灾害,19日至20日大连出现大风天气。On July 8, a rare hailstone storm hit Dandong, where rainstorm triggered landslide in the city on 26-27 July. And Dalian was swept by gale 19-20 July.

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文中分析了大量的地面雹谱资料,给出了雹谱的平均特征及其三种类型。A large number data of ground hailstone spectra are analysed. The average characteristics of hailstone spectra and their three types have been obtained.

航空飞行器在飞行过程中容易和冰雹粒子发生碰撞,并由此造成撞击损伤。Aerocraft is easy to impact with hailstone and may cause serious damages during its flight, so it′s necessary to investigate hail impact on aerocraft by trial system.

航空飞行器在飞行过程中容易和冰雹粒子发生碰撞,并由此造成撞击损伤。因此有必要开展航空飞行器在冰雹环境中的撞击试验。Aerocraft is easy to impact with hailstone and may cause serious damages during its flight, so it′s necessary to investigate hail impact on aerocraft by trial system.