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他给吉他定弦。He tuned the guitar.

他随意弹弄着吉他。He thrummed a guitar.

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你会弹吉他吗?Do you play the guitar ?

我看见一个闪光的吉他。I see a glittery guitar.

好吧,让我去拿吉他。OK, lemme get my guitar.

某甲递过我的吉他。Somebody pass my guitar.

吉姆会弹吉他。Jim could play the guitar.

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一个人拿出把吉他。One man produces a guitar.

但我最喜欢的是吉他曲。But my favourite is guitar.

那是我在吉他中心。That’s me at Guitar Center.

吉他有六根弦。The guitar has six strings.

杰克吉他弹得很好。Jaco plays guitar very well.

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之后,我拿起我的吉他。And then I pick up my guitar.

他喜欢弹吉他。He enjoys playing the guitar.

我在一个摇滚乐团弹吉他。I play guitar in a rock band.

弹吉他是我的拿手好戏。Playing the guitar is my thing.

我吉他的琴颈坏了。The neck of my guitar is broken.

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欢迎来到长沙源源琴行!Welcome to Yuanyuan Guitar Shop!

你是个差强人意的吉他手吗?Are you a passable guitar player?

而我只能笨拙地拨着我的吉他。As I clumsily strummed my guitar.