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为了完成这一件伟大的任务,我们将会千方百计。We'll leave no stone unturned to accomplish the great task.

军政府将不留余地务必努力赢得选举。The junta will leave no stones unturned to win the elections.

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他们千方百计寻找孩子的母亲。They left no stone unturned in their search for the child's mother.

警察承诺要想尽办法侦破那桩谋杀案。The police promised to leave no stone unturned in solving the murder.

为了找到我想要的那本书,Cindy把书店翻了个遍。To find the book I wanted Cindy left no stone unturned in the bookstore.

有几个客人妒忌他的荣誉,千方百计贬低他的功绩。A few guests envy his honor, leave no stone unturned debases his contribution.

这需要野心和不遗余力的决心。All it will take is a will to be ambitious and a determination to leave no stone unturned.

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主啊,我们不要作没有翻过的饼,但我们不知道如何翻到另一面。Lord, we do not like to be an unturned cake, but we do not know how to turn to the other side.

我要千方百计地保护自己,把这事情尽力掩盖过去。I shall leave no stone unturned to protect myself, to put as good a face on this matter as I can.

网络搜索可以快速,简单地得到这些信息,所以一定要不遗余力。The web makes fast and easy work of this sort of research, so be sure to leave no stone unturned.

五富因病身亡,刘高兴想尽一切办法要把五富的尸体运回家乡。Five died of illness Fu, Liu should be happy to leave no stone unturned five-fu returned to the body of his hometown.

为了满足客户的需要,亚历山大健康俱乐部可以说是绞尽脑汁,一丝不苟。Not a single stone goes unturned in Alexander Health Club's uncompromising commitment to satisfy their customers' needs.

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专家们都有一个令人厌恶的倾向,即,为了显摆自己的专业背景而告诉你所有的东西,向你提出各种建议。Experts have a nasty tendency to cover their backs by telling you everything, and recommending that you leave no stone unturned.

在我卸任之前,我将尽一切努力,看看我们到底能不能最终解决以巴之间的冲突。Until that moment when I leave office, I will leave no stone unturned to see if we can finally resolve this conflict between peoples.

荷花尚未点化,眼看又要失去吕洞宾,六仙大为焦急,千方百计阻挠。Lotus had be noted nod change, want to lose Lv Dongbin again soon, 6 celestial being greatly anxious, obstruct of leave no stone unturned.

我知道那人跑到英国的对跖地,为他的妻子挣得了一份财产,他自会排除万难、千方百计找到她的。I knew that the man who had gone to the antipodes , and won a fortune for his wife, would leave no stone unturned in his efforts to find her.

看看你的家庭、朋友、社会上认识的熟人、以前的事业合作对象中是否有人可帮到你,不要遗漏掉任何一个人。Think of everyone who might be able to help you -- family, friends, social acquaintances, former business associates, leave no stone unturned.

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低价兰在春节前热销中,我们也可看到,兰花市场要旺起来,必须千方百计让兰花融入民风民俗。Four, low-cost products in Spring Festival, we can see that the market will flourish and orchid must leave no stone unturned to orchid into folk customs.

镜头还展现了俄国阿穆尔豹和新几内亚天堂鸟的风姿,本片将您带入地球上最稀有、最奇特的生物身边!From the Amur leopard in Russia to the Birds of Paradise in Papua New Guinea. No stone is left unturned to bring you the rarest and the weirdest creatures on earth!

他们从听、说、读、写、译等方面对我们进行了全方位的训练。The respectable professors of UIR left no stone unturned to improve our English level from every aspect, such as listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating.