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胃抽出物特征。Characteristics of stomach aspirate.

发音时,双唇运动的辅音。The pronunciation of a consonant with an aspirate.

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我要对著透明的玻璃轻轻吐气。I must treat the transparent glass to aspirate gently.

我注意到在骨髓抽出物里的淋巴细胞增加相当大。I noticed the significant increased lymphocytes in bone marrow aspirate.

同时经口内入路吸除双侧颊脂垫。Meanwhile, aspirate buccal fat lining of both cheeks through oral route.

呕吐物或吸引液内酸的浓度不需要达到这一程度。The concentration of acid in vomitus or aspirate need not reach this limit.

针刺细胞学检查有助于甲状腺结核的诊断。Cytological examination by fine-needle aspirate biopsy was helpful to diagnosis.

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方法分析两例骨髓涂片证实为急性粒细胞性白血病患者的眶部绿色瘤CT表现。Methods CT manifestation of two cases of chloroma proved by bone marrow aspirate was analysed.

医务人员正在试图建立静脉通道,此时,患者出现呕吐并发生误吸。Attempts are being made to obtain intravenous access. At this time, he vomits and appears to aspirate.

核细胞数量及骨髓像在再障诊断中的变化。Objective To investigate the value of megakaryocytes and marrow aspirate in diagnosing aplastic anemia.

目的探讨小针头针吸细胞病理学对乳腺癌早期诊断的价值。Objective To study the value of small needle aspirate pathology on the early diagnosis of breast cancer.

结论在再障诊断时仔细分析巨核细胞和骨髓像是有重要意义的。Conclusion It is important to analyse megakaryocytes and marrow aspirate in diagnosis of aplastic anemia.

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其中3例行抽吸玻璃体水囊联合前房形成术失败。Of 3 patients who underwent aspirate corporis vitre hyponome combined with anterior chamber plasty. 3 eyes had failed.

我注意到在骨髓抽出物里的淋巴细胞增加相当大。我没有见到对骨髓活组织切除幻灯片的注解。I noticed the significant increased lymphocytes in bone marrow aspirate. I did not see comments on bone marrow biopsy slide.

临床表现、神经影像表现和鼻咽分泌物中分离出甲型流感病毒。The diagnosis was based on clinical features, neuroimaging findings and isolation of influenza A virus from nasopharyngeal aspirate.

骨髓象显示骨髓中组织和基质的大片坏死。Bone marrow aspirate revealed all patients necrotic bone marrow particles with distended sinusoids and necrotic eosinophile material.

请立即放入胃管吸出胃内容物,我马上通知我的住院医师,并让护理员立即送病人到外科去。Put down a gastric tube and aspirate the contents. I'll call my attending now and meanwhile, the orderly will take him up to surgery.

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许多食品可能是危险的幼童,因为它们可以吸的项目,这将导致阻塞呼吸道。Many foods can be dangerous for small children since they can aspirate the items, which will result in blockage of the breathing passages.

纯醋令人难以下咽,还可能会导致你倒抽气,将醋误吸入肺中而导致肺炎。Straight vinegar can be hard to swallow and may cause you to gasp and aspirate vinegar into the lung, which could potentially lead to pneumonia.

将去矿骨粉末及骨髓吸出物混合物注入囊肿内,阻止囊肿的扩大并促进骨化。Demineralized bone powder mixed with bone-marrow aspirate was introduced into the cyst to halt the expansion phase and to allow the cyst to ossify.