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布朗能咸鱼翻身吗?Can Mr Brown reverse the dynamics?

我们了解外包的动力。We know the dynamics of outsourcing.

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所以我们现在关注的是动理学。So that's our concern now, is dynamics.

太阳动力学观测台的第一手光学图像First Light for Solar Dynamics Observatory

他的想法就是将几何学应用在力学上。His idea was to apply geometry to dynamics.

由于飞机现已在各垂直起降动力。As the aircraft have now VTOL dynamics at all.

牛顿动力学体系由两部分组成The cycle of Newtonian dynamics has two parts.

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自行火炮发射动力学研究?。On Launching Dynamics of Self-Propelled Cannons?

此地里有着众多的能量动力的叠加。Within this area are many overlays of energy dynamics.

第二章建了汽车驱动转向动力学仿真软件。In Chapter Two, dynamics simulation software o is built.

研究了棉田天敌群落时序动态。The dynamics of the natural enemy community was studied.

描述生态系统的刊物,需要预付定金。Dynamics of ecosystem science. Requires paid subscription.

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克罗柯。定常气体动力学的一维处理法。L. Crocco. One-Dimensional Treatment of Steady Gas Dynamics.

根据飞行动力学理论,建立了舰载机滑跃起飞数学模型。A dynamics model of ski-jump takeoff on land was established.

挠性卫星动力学模型分析及其控制方案研究。Analysis of flexure dynamics and study of its control method.

这便是这类流行病可迅猛蔓延的本质原因。That is the essence of the dynamics of this kind of epidemic.

CHARMM是大分子动力学和力学的程序。CHARMM is a program for macromolecular dynamics and mechanics.

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通用电船公司是通用动力公司的全资子公司。Electric Boat is a wholly owned subsidiary of General Dynamics.

考虑地理分布开发的动态性。Look at the dynamics of geographically distributed development.

本文对弹性斜拉索的非线性动力学进行了研究。This paper attempts to study the non-linear dynamics of cables.