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这本书的形式半是传记,半是辩论。Mr Blom’s book is part biography and part polemic.

新约是一本争辨的书,几乎是从头开始,一直到结束为止。The New Testament is a polemic book almost from beginning to end.

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泰勒认真反复地斟酌了为大多数人的观点,然而他的书没有论战。Taylor carefully reconsiders the received wisdom, yet his book is no polemic.

突然,我有一个故事,一个有趣的故事,不完全出于我目的不清的挑起论战本能。Suddenly I had a story, an interesting story, because it wasn't just my vague polemic.

高亢的福音曲调之后,是对好莱坞文化这个怪兽的激烈驳斥。An uplifting gospel tune with a ferocious polemic on the monstrosity of Hollywood culture?

这部小说最终成为废奴主义者及其他人讨伐南方的武器。Ultimately, though, the book was used by abolitionists and others as a polemic against the South.

莫言颇有技巧的写作激起了关于当代中国社会和政治的激烈论战。Mr Mo's virtuoso prose whips up a frenzied polemic against contemporary Chinese society and politics.

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古根汉姆的影片就像一场精彩、惊人的辩论,而且其开场白的确也是说给每个人听的。Mr Guggenheim's film is a fascinating and alarming polemic that does, indeed, set out to speak to everyone.

在这一段内心独白里,既有仿格体,也有讽拟体,还有暗辩体。In this section of interior monologue, which have both stylization, but also parody, there is a hidden polemic.

正是这门基因工程的新兴科学成为现今生物技术争论的焦点。It is precisely this emerging science of genetic engineering that lies at the heart of today's biotech polemic.

科玄论战中他对科学精神的极度高扬即用意在此。Speaking highly of the scientific spirit was just his intention in the polemic between Science and Metaphysics.

但他抨击的基础是,不赞成制造商用欺骗手段向消费者兜售他们并不真的需要的产品。But underlying his polemic lay a disapproval of manufacturers foisting goods on consumersthatdid not really need them.

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最终,这些争论使得影片失索然无味,剩下的只有怪诞虚幻的人物——片中单调的角色使得我们难以给予过多的关注。In the end, polemic dulls this film, leaving it oddly insubstantial—its characters too little developed for us to care.

这场过热但往往有的放矢论证的读者们会结论,最安全的策略是有机食品和准备一个苍蝇拍。Readers of this overheated but often on-the-mark polemic will conclude that the safest tactic is organic food and a fly swatter.

曾经在冬天有一个争论,当时受人尊重的知识分子翁贝托·埃科说如果某个政治局面再继续下去的话,他将移居海外。There was a polemic during the winter when respected intellectual Umberto Eco said he would emigrate if a certain political situation continued.

在这一类触犯当中论战者所能犯的最坏的一种乃是把持见相反的人诋毁为坏的和不道德的人。The worst offence of this kind which can be committed by a polemic , is to stigmatize those who hold the contrary opinion as bad and immoral men.

创世纪创造赞美诗,于公元前6世纪以色列人流亡巴比伦时所创作,是对巴比伦宗教信仰的一场温和的论战。The Genesis creation hymn, written during the Israelites' exile in Babylonia in the 6th century BC, was a gentle polemic against Babylonian religion.

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虽然斯通批评了布什政府于2003年入侵伊拉克的行为,导演说他并不想引起一个“反布什论战”。Though Stone has criticized Bush for his administration's 2003 invasion of Iraq, the director said that he was not looking to make an "anti-Bush polemic."

就连他的辩论文章的题目“野百合”也是经过仔细的甄选的,这个词透露了作者的愤怒,也百合虽美丽但入药时很苦。Even the title of his polemic "Wild Lilies, " which caused such a furor, was carefully chosen, for the wild lily is both beautiful and also bitter in medicine.

某些时候,有非常强烈的分离的愿望,在这个过程中,也就形成了他们自己的身份,塑造截然不同的耶和华这一理论便开始发展,要与迦南的众神有所差别。At some point there was a desire to separate, and in that process of identity formation, a polemic began to develop that created Yahweh in a distinct way, differentiated from the Canaanite deities.