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问题的根源显然在于troika的援助计划。The causes clearly lie with the programme of the troika.

然而,三驾马车仍然建议应理解释放第六批捄助资金。However, the Troika still recommended that the 6th tranche should be released regardless.

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三方对话银行说,采用现代农业技术的话,俄国的粮食产量能够翻番,乌克兰的产量可以成三倍增长。Troika says crop yields could be doubled in Russia, and tripled in the Ukraine using modern know-how.

她和她受欢迎的铁三角朋友们娇嗔傲慢,肆意地对待低年级的学生如粪土一样。She and her popular troika of friends cavalierly treat the lesser students like dirt because they can.

三巨头坚持认为,只有让希腊政府减少严重的债务负担才能避免进一步的危机。Only by reducing Greece's now crippling debt burden, the troika insists, can a continued crisis be avoided.

所谓的三驾马车暂停在九月初审查中错过的目标和预算不足的谈话。The so-called troika suspended their review in early September amid talk of missed targets and budget shortfalls.

2000年7月31日,国务院副总理钱其琛会见了里约集团"三驾马车"外长。On July 31, Vice-Premier Qian Qichen met with foreign ministers of Columbia, Mexico and Chile of the Rio Group Troika.

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幸运的是,在今后两年时间内,希腊仍然可以获得三驾马车提供的低利率贷款,之后才需要进行债务重组。Fortunately Greece can fund itself for two more years on cheap borrowing from the troika before it faces restructuring that debt.

但根据欧盟提倡的新自由主义观念——自己的事情自己解决,自以为是的troika要求希腊执行苛刻的紧缩政策、并放松管制。In its wisdom, the troika imposed policies of severe austerity and deregulation consistent with the neoliberal ideology of the EU.

他们的策略取决于三巨头劝说银行同意把手中持有的债券价值进行所谓的“资产贬值”Their strategy depends on the troika persuading banks to agree to what is called a "haircut" in the value of their holdings of such bonds.

结果,拒绝跌价的对冲基金要求希腊政府用三巨头提供的资金,全额购买债券。As a result, hedge funds which refuse to agree to a write-down will demand payment in full, from funds provided to Greece under the troika rescue plan.

俄罗斯天然气公司的主席米勒表示,它们正在成立一个“天然气的巨型三驾马车”,并警告称廉价能源的时代已经终结了。Alexey Miller, chairman of Russia's Gazprom, said they were forming a "big gas troika" and warned that the era of cheap hydrocarbons had come to an end.

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他在奥地利同欧盟三驾马车外长和欧盟有关负责官员就进一步发展中欧关系深入交换了意见。He also had opportunities to exchange views with EU Troika Foreign Ministers and relevant officials in charge in an in-depth manner on China-EU relations.

今日,因三驾马车令希腊实施紧急政策,使得全球投资者和决策者的信心都遭遇重创,市场继续维持风险规避状态。Markets remain in a wary state of risk aversion today as Greeces brinkmanship with the troika rattles the confidence of global investors and policymakers alike.

2006年6月7日,外交部长李肇星会见来京参加第二轮中国欧盟战略对话的欧盟“三驾马车”代表团。On June 7, 2006, Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing met with the EU "Troika" delegation, who was here in Beijing to attended the 2nd round of China-EU strategic dialogue.

由于三驾马车将继续就下一批援助资金展开对话,希腊总理帕潘德?欧取消访问美国的原计划,以响应日益增长的国内紧张局势。Greek Prime Minister Papandreou cancelled a planned visit to the US in response to the growing domestic tension, as talks with the troika to release the next tranche of funding continue.

一些分析人士周日揣测,韦尼泽洛斯强行将与欧盟、IMF和ECB三方的会谈暂停10天,从而显示希腊对债权人摆出了强硬姿态。Some analysts speculated on Sunday that Mr Venizelos had forced the 10-day suspension of talks with the troika so that Greece could appear to be taking a tough stance with its creditors.

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北京市已经初步建立起以“三驾马车”为主要内容的基本医疗保险体系,但是各制度分立运行,不利于实现社会公平。The basic medical insurance system based on"troika"has been almost set up in Beijing. However, the independent operation of respective system has prevented the realization of social justice.

今天希腊政府还将再次与troika会面,之后他们可能还会采取更多的紧缩措施,如大批裁减公务员,继续削减工资和养老金,提高间接税,等等。A further meeting with the troika was scheduled for today, following which there would be mass layoffs of civil servants, further wage and pension cuts, still higher indirect taxes, and so on.