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撒玛利亚的妇人婚姻失败了很多次The Samaritan woman had several failed marriages

举例来说,耶稣曾经向一位撒玛利亚妇女讨杯水喝。For instance, Jesus once asked a Samaritan woman for a drink of water.

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他乐施好善,把那个贫苦的妇人送进了医院。He acted as a good Samaritan , and took the poor woman to the hospital.

让我们以里索讨论的好撒玛利亚人问题为例。Let us take, for example, Rizzo's discussion of the Good Samaritan problem.

旧戈德萨马里滕加里詹金斯教画油美丽的花朵。Old Good Samaritan Gary Jenkins teaches painting beautiful flowers in oils.

但是好撒玛利亚人法律会保护那些试图帮助他人的人并免除他们的责任。But Good Samaritan laws protect from liability those who try to help others.

弗烈德和汤姆愿意投身其中,就像路加福音10章耶稣在故事中所说的那位撒马利亚人一样。Fred and Tom got involved, as did the Samaritan man in Jesus' story in Luke 10.

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他真是位好心肠的人,虽然我们并非熟识,但他还是帮了我。He's such a Good Samaritan. He helped me out even though we barely knew each other.

但是在你做出了这样的个人牺牲之后,你还会助人为乐吗?But after making such a personal sacrifice, would you ever be a Good Samaritan again?

郭说他在生活中的善举反映了大部分中国人的态度。Guo says his "Good Samaritan" approach to life reflects the attitude of most Chinese.

在加拿大,每个省也都有自己的一套关于见义勇为行为的法律。In Canada, too, each province has its own set of laws concerning Good Samaritan acts.

在这个撒玛利亚人出发去某城的途中,看到一个可怜的旅客躺在路旁。On his way to a certain city, a Samaritan man found a poor traveler lying on the road.

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圣经中的「好撒玛利亚人」的故事,描述一个流露同情心的人。The story of "The Good Samaritan "from the Bible describes a man who showed compa ion.

很幸运的是,就在那时有个热心人借了一笔钱给他买下了当地的一个小饭馆。Then, as luck would have it, a Good Samaritan offered him a loan to buy a local diner.

撒玛利亚人曾经为一个遭到一群恶棍毒打和抢掠的人提供了关爱。Jakes spoke of the biblical Good Samaritan who cared for a man beaten and robbed by thugs.

有一种“仁慈的撒玛利亚人法”现象,它要求路人帮助深处危险当中的人。Take the phenomenon of Good Samaritan laws that require passersby to assist someone in peril.

还有一个场景,耶稣与井边的妇人对话,一个撒玛利亚的妇人。We have a whole scene in which Jesus is talking to this woman at the well, a Samaritan woman.

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上面写着“器官移植服务,波特兰乐善医疗和医药中心”。It read “Legacy Transplant Services, Portland Legacy Good Samaritan Hospital and Medical Center.

回想耶稣邀请比得,撒该,和撒玛利亚妇女来跟随他时的方法。Think back to Jesus' approach to inviting Peter, Zacchaeus, and the Samaritan woman to follow him.

以上的图片为周六在明尼苏达州圣保罗,一个好心者帮助一位妇女把她深陷雪里的车推出来。Here, a good Samaritan tried to help free a woman's car from the snow in St. Paul, Minn. on Saturday.