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同盟的废止,在日本发生了强烈的反响。The annulment caused a profound impression in Japan.

是黑尔先生提出要离婚仍是他的妻子提出要离婚?Did Mr. Hill annulment his wife or did she annulment him?

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判决婚姻无效对于大多数人来讲费用过于昂贵。An annulment is simply too expensive for the vast majority of people.

企业别无办法,只有探求废除协议的办法。The business had no choice but to seek an annulment of the agreement.

然后有一天你一回家,就开始围绕无效婚姻开始大放厥词。And one day you just come home and start throwing words around like annulment.

废标后,采购人应当将废标理由通知所有投标人。Once the bid proceeding is annulled, the procuring entity shall inform all the bidders of the reasons for the annulment.

二人于2004年1月3日在拉斯维加斯结婚,然而仅仅过了55个小时之后,布兰妮的律师就申请了离婚。Thetwo married on Jan. 3, 2004, in Las Vegas and were wed for a meager 55 hours beforeSpears’s lawyers filed for an annulment.

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劳动合同终止是劳动合同法的重要制度之一,劳动者被宣告失踪或者宣告死亡而终止劳动合同是其规定的情形之一,然而这一规定却存在诸多疑点。The declaration of disappearance or death for the annulment of labor agreement is one of the situations, but it has many doubtful points.

批准取消预备役军官军衔的权限,与批准授予该级预备役军官军衔的权限相同。The limits of authority for approving the annulment of a reserve rank shall be the same as those for approving the conferment of the rank.

两人发表的共同声明中则称对婚姻的期许不同是他们离婚的唯一原因。In a joint statement, the couple said, "The miscommunication of the objective of their marriage at the start is the only reason for this annulment."

依照前两款的规定撤销行政许可,可能对公共利益造成重大损害的,不予撤销。Where the annulment of an administrative license pursuant to the preceding two paragraphs may seriously impair the public interests, it shall not be annulled.

众多Yushchenko的拥护者们涌上街头,穿着橙色服饰,挥舞着橙色旗帜游行抗议,最终迫使政府重新进行投票。Many Yushchenko supporters took to the street wearing orange or carrying orange flags and began protesting, leading to an annulment of the vote and a new vote.

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这充分的表明了他拒绝下台,并且拒绝实行比废除紧急状态法影响更深远的改革。It's abundantly clear that he rejects any notion of stepping down and refuses to embrace far reaching reforms beyond theoretical annulment of the emergency laws.

这只是层层上到梵谛冈罗马圣轮法院的众多晦涩案件之一,该单位是教廷审理最复杂的婚姻无效要求的最高法庭。That is just one of the, well, hazy cases that wound up before the Vatican's Sacra Romana Rota, a top court which hears the most complicated of marriage annulment requests.