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犀牛能扳倒树。Rhinoceroses can topple trees.

开采铁矿则是为了砍伐树木以获取木材。Iron mined in order to topple trees for lumber.

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当波普装瓶的爆炸瓶爆炸时,波普还在弄工作服。When pop-bottles pop bottles topple Pop mopsslop.

不过我还是期望中国超过美国荣登榜首。But still, I expect China to topple US at the top.

只要好好的一拳,就能把他打倒,叫他完蛋。One good blow would topple him over and down and out.

他拍膝盖,开始在座位上昏昏沉沉地倒下去。He slapped his knee and began to topple from his seat.

我想知道答案的城墙,将推翻不信。I want answers that will topple the walls of unbelief.

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他会试图固定,即使再糟也只不过是倒下。It will immobilise it, or worse still, topple it over.

没有任何人暗示这是美国在搞扳倒丰田的阴谋.No one is suggesting a U.S. conspiracy to topple Toyota.

破坏纪念碑之门并推翻索伦的雕像。Destroy the Monument Gate and topple the statue of Sauron.

每一个城市都有一些右派,这些右派是要打倒我们的。There are Rightists in every city and they want to topple us.

大风也无情地打击着我们,想尽办法想要把船弄翻。Wewere attacked relentlessly by winds that tried to topple it over.

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亚运会上,东道主的沙滩排球选手击垮了他们的劲敌。Host beach spikers turn formidable rivals to topple in the Asian Games.

将军被指控纵容一个颠覆政府的阴谋。The general is accused of conniving in a plot to topple the government.

猴子遥晃著树,想把坚果从树上摇下来。The monkeys shake the trees, trying to topple the nuts from the branches.

不过,试图颠覆市场领军者的野心家总是无处不在。Nevertheless, there are always people who will try to topple the market leader.

这个国家发动残酷的内战终结了农奴制,动用联邦军队摧毁种族隔离制度。It took a brutal civil war to end slavery and federal troops to topple Jim Crow.

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艾森豪威尔总统同意美国应该推翻阿尔本斯政府President Eisenhower had agreed that America should topple the Arbenz government

一次大地震足以倾倒大厦,撼平山坡。A major earthquake can topple huge buildings and bring down entire mountainsides.

波格尔团结其他下等人,组成一支叛军,企图推翻哈迪斯政权。Gathering other Lessers, Poggle formed a mutinous brigade to topple Hadiss's regime.