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超轻7005铝合金双抽管车架。Alu Superlite 7005 Crossroad Double Butted.

微型计算机ALU部件包括在CPU中。Microcomputer ALU components include the CPU.

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那是阿禄的飞镖,难道他真的还活着。That is Alu darts, Does he really still alive.

走完了阿庐古洞,也完成了今天的行程。After Alu Caves, we had completed the trip today.

比较这一逻辑运算是运算器主要的运算活动之一。Comparison is one of the main activities of the ALU.

优质铝合金支架,永不生锈,寿命更长。Qualified Alu Stand, not get rusty and longer using-life.

我通常用6061铝,它是一个通用的铝。I typically use 6061 aluminum, it is a general purpose alu.

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狄公料定,这位没死的阿禄是个假的。Di Gong correctly predicted, this did not die Alu is a fake.

八棱柱铝合金系列展具。Eight prism alu minum alloyed metal series exhibition equipment.

经询问,阿禄安顿的那位朋友是一位怀有身孕的女子。Upon inquiry, the Alu settle down a friend who is a pregnant woman.

我们不仅要会听、读、写,还要流利地说英语。We should not only listen, read and write English well but alu speak fluently.

本测试仪采用铝型材制作框架,造型美观大方,气动传动加载方式清洁方便。Its frame is made of Alu. beautiful shape. And the air drive loading is easy to clean.

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在逛街的时候,我跟阿如看到旁边的贩卖机有在卖冰,所以我们就想吃罗!When shopping , I and Alu see a vending machine were selling ice , so we want to eat !

因此全加器的效能将会完全的影响系统的处理量。Thus, adder is very important in the ALU and also can influence the performance of system.

现在让我们来看看在顶点着色运算器中这些寄存器和指令如何被典型的运用。Now let's see how these registers and instructions are typically used in the vertex shader ALU.

狄公立即意识到,这位有孕女子就是阿禄调换窝藏的太子妃。Di Gong immediately realized that this is the Alu swap pregnant woman harboring the Crown Princess.

文章介绍了采用可重构体系结构的TR600语音编解码器中的ALU设计。An ALU unit in TR600 vocoder, which based on a reconfigurable architecture, is introduced in this paper.

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在提议中,冯·诺依曼概括了他坚信在他设计的计算机中将会非常必要的组成部分——其中包括一个ALU。In the proposal, von Neumann outlined what he believed would be needed in his machine, including an ALU.

可用于中等难度的铝片冲裁,广泛应用于电子、空调加工行业薄板的加工。INTECH STAMPING 802 is widely used in Alu sheet manufacturing e. g. in electric, air condition industries.

本文提出一种新的,用户环境下微处理器ALU功能的测试方法。In this paper, a new method is presented for functional testing of microprocessor ALU in user environment.