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俄狄浦斯上遇到了狮身人面像悬崖。Oedipus met Sphinx on a cliff.

斯芬尼克斯给俄狄浦斯线索了吗?。Did the Sphinx give Oedipus a clue?

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伊底普斯并不知道,他究竟在享受什麽?Oedipus did not know what he was enjoying.

伊迪帕斯在朝家的方向走。The Oedipus business comes nearer to home.

他的名字是奥狄浦斯,我想他是个希腊人吧。His name was Oedipus , he was a Greek, I think.

这是俄狄浦斯复杂性的一个完美例证。It is a perfect instance of the Oedipus complex.

也许这是他“恋母”的一个体现。Perhaps, it is the manifestation of his "Oedipus".

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我要听,我一定要听」,伊底帕斯说。And I of hearing them. But I must hear, says Oedipus.

故事是这样的。俄狄浦斯首先得知了自己的命运。Here, the story goes, Oedipus first learned his fate.

当他出现的时候,我有一点惊讶,这是俄狄浦斯吗?When he came on I was a bit surprised, is this Oedipus ?

是的,就伊底普斯国王本身而言,他实现这个性的行为。Yes, King Oedipus for his part, realised the sexual act.

所以,奥狄柏斯毫无所觉地服从命运。Thus, Oedipus at the outset obeys fate without knowing it.

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如你们所知,这就是伊底普斯的神话的意涵所在。And this, as you know, is what the Oedipus myth designates.

很久以前,我俄狄浦斯是忒拜的国王。Once upon a time ago, in Thebes i am king, Oedipus the king.

还记得你写的关于俄狄浦斯王的文章?。You remember the article that you wrote about King Oedipus ?

资本主义的机构层次是由伊底普斯演绎而来。The institutional order of capitalism is deduced from Oedipus.

不管如何,我能说的是,我做了很多关于伊迪帕斯的思考,“Anyway, all I can say is I did a lot of thinking about Oedipus.

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但是海还是认为有点恋母的小狗一样的儿子最好。But the sea is considered somewhat Oedipus puppy son like best.

真理自己纵身跳入深渊,当伊底普斯解答这个谜团。The truth throws itself into the abyss when Oedipus resolves the enigma.

过于懦弱监禁他,让他加入俄狄浦斯的Argive军队。Being too cowardly to imprison him, Oedipus let him join the Argive army.