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大回环是一个很酷的机动动作。The power loop is a cool maneuver.

一个大的战略上的侧翼包围…A vast, strategic maneuver to outflank.

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他于是就转来转去,你还可以四肢趴着。For there he can maneuver you onto all fours.

重复以上的动作,但是将副翼打左舵。Roll back to the right to exit this maneuver.

接下来的机动动作是水平360度转向。The next maneuver is a level 360-degree turn.

她没有算计过,她没有策划过。She did not calculate and she did not maneuver.

侦察是一项危险的行动,但这个险值得冒。Scouting is a risky maneuver but it can pay off.

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他这一手是一个居心叵测的大阴谋。This maneuver of his is a diabolical conspiracy.

他曾经在P-51“野马”战斗机上表演过这个动作。He used to perform this maneuver in a P-51 Mustang.

总之,陆克文的政策机动空间是有限的。Overall, Rudd's room for policy maneuver is limited.

我认为现在可以先草儗一具临时方案。I meditation we can draw up a tentative maneuver now.

这个机动动作在一开始时,过载表上指示接近8.5个G。Initially, this maneuver is roughly 8.5 on the g-meter.

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驱动你的战斗机水平侧移,前进,后退。Maneuver your plane side-to-side, forwards, and backwards.

诺曼底登陆只是声东击西的阳动。The landing in Normandy is merely a diversionary maneuver.

这一套高难度的动作便是人们所熟知的“程菲跳”。The highly complex maneuver is known as the Cheng Fei vault.

针法和手法遵循力学规则。The technique and maneuver abided by the mechanics regulation.

叶凌青终于用计从张云爱那里窃取了通行证。Ye Lingqing finally maneuver from Zhang Yunai stole the passport.

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安迪往后退,在墙角处与他们僵持并试图移出曲折的过道。Andy backs up, holding them at bay, trying to maneuver through the maze.

近距空战要求新一代战斗机具有较好的机动性能。It is important for fighter to have good maneuver ability in air combat.

我已经令人惊喜地绕了一圈,这事好像是我的生活中一场按原路折回的演习。I had made a surprise loop, it seemed, a double-back maneuver in my life.