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最大的风险在于做过了头。The biggest risk is overreach.

我觉得他们有些过分了。So I think they overreach a bit.

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这里同样也有“帝国主义越界”的迹象。Here too, there are signs of "imperial overreach".

浮士德的精神失常,认为他可以骗过魔鬼。Faustus's lunacy in thinking he can overreach the devil.

美国已经明显地超过了帝国的过度扩张点。The US has clearly reached the point of imperial overreach.

何芸提醒钟离,不管跟谁要动手,别不自量力。He Yun remind clock from, no matter with whom to begin, dont overreach.

但我也会创作适合我演唱风格的歌曲。我尽量不做超过我能力的事。But I also, I make music that suits the way I sing also, you know? I try not to overreach.

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很人都有玩命抻胳膊的毛病,反正教练经常训我胳膊伸太过,就是髋转得晚啦!A lot of backstrokers overreach. My coach says I tend to overreach with my arms because my hips are late in rotating.

英国央行在金融稳定报告中表示.It is important that the industry does not overreach when innovating in the ETF arena," it said in its Financial Stability Report.

一起最近发生在中国的高铁冲撞事故夺走了39条人命,然而原以为是世界上最先进的高速铁路网络却因过度自信而酿成惨剧。However, a recent Chinese bullet train collision killed 39 people on what was supposed to be the world's most advanced high-speed rail network, showing the perils of overreach.