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易货是收入。Barter is income.

所得税回单。Income tax returns.

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其他合法收入。Other legal income.

含上面的易货收入。See barter income above.

他靠自己的工资生活。He managed on his income.

上报你所有的收入。Report all of your income.

耳边微风息息。Interest income ear breeze.

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你的全年收入有多少?What is your annual income?

但黄金不能带来收入。But gold generates no income.

她有五位数的收益。She has a five-figure income.

经手费是主要的收入。The main income is brokerage.

而且,该市不征收州所得税。There is no state income tax.

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还有营业利润There's also operating income.

将你的收入想象成一个派。Think of your income as a pie.

知道你所有收入的用途。Account for all of your income.

支出须由收入支配。Income must govern expenditure.

积极调整收入分配关系。We adjusted income distribution.

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指因销售商品所赚得之收入。Income earned from selling goods.

我的大部分收入来源于此。This is my main source of income.

收入和支出的差距太大。His expenditure outran his income.