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莎拉波娃将搞成所有。Sharapova will upstage them all.

尽量不要使自己显得比朋友更突出。Don't try to upstage your friends.

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他们近来对我们太势利了。He is too upstage for us recently.

他们慢慢地从舞台后方的左侧移至正中。They slowly moved from upstage left into the centre.

那么那些年轻的天才是如何抢了那些年老大师的风头?So how did the young geniuses upstage the old masters?

在这同时,注意不要使打手势和表达思想本末倒置。In the meantime, make sure your hands do not upstage your ideas.

举例来说,一个站在舞台后部的左边,而且也唱的低音乐器演奏者。For example, a bassist who stands upstage left and sings as well.

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打扮不能比新娘艳丽,抢了新娘的风头,但是也不能太过于随便。Bride dress not showy, upstage the bride, but can not be too casual.

谁能告诉我后台跟前台的差别?Can anybody tell me what the difference between upstage and downstage is?

作为陪衬的绿叶,既不能抢了新娘的风头,又要能称得起场面。As a foil leaves, neither to upstage the bride, but also can call the scene.

但大都会常常不顾一切的想抢洋基锋头,所以一切都很难说。But the Mets are always desperate to upstage the Yankees , so you never know.

她穿过舞台后部的椅子强迫使他的背部对着观众。She crossed to the upstage chair forcing the lead to turn his back to the audience.

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他说,他们也不太想抢风头,因为奥巴马先生的下一站是北京。He said they also had not wanted to upstage events on Mr. Obama's next stop, Beijing.

芝加哥可能永远无法抢纽约的风头,成为美国投资银行业人才的集中地。Chicago will probably never upstage New York as thehubfor America's investment banking talent.

最后,两件令人惊艳的女式晚礼服在一组赌博场景里抢尽了风头。Finally, two fabulous evening gowns upstage all the action in a couple of the film's gambling scenes.

MRI使鼻咽癌的T分期升级,对临床分期有升级的趋势,而对N分期则无影响。MRI may upstage T classification, tends to upstage clinical classification, and has no influence on N classification of NPC.

无论什么时候出现一个新的系统想要抢过Unix的风头,总会有人将其剖析,并将它的中心思想克隆到Unix中。Whenever a new system that tried to upstage UNIX came along, somebody would dissect the newcomer and clone its central ideas into UNIX.

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在竞选总统期间,她的竞选班子意识到比尔会抢了她的风头,或者会让她难堪,甚至这两种情形会同时发生。During her presidential bid her campaign team were mindful that Bill could both upstage his wife and embarrass her, sometimes on the same day.

令人毫无疑问的是,村民对民盟暴徒黄衫军大为不满,并决意在曼谷吸引民盟对手——红衫军——的注意力。Little wonder, then, that the villagers reacted furiously to the arrival of yellow-shirted PAD thugs, determined to upstage their red-shirted rivals in Bangkok.

此外,他还是团购网站Groupon的顾问和社交游戏网站Zynga的董事,这两家网站均以社交网络为依托,它们即将进行的首次公开招股甚至会抢去LinkedIn的风头。He is also notably, an advisor to Groupon, and a director at Zynga, two companies that were built on the back of social networks, and whose upcoming IPOs could upstage LinkedIn's.