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它是冷漠的。It’s standoffish.

在我想像中,神是拘谨的,近乎冷漠的。I imagine God to be rather formal, almost standoffish.

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站得离别人太远会显得你很冷漠。Positioning yourself too far away will make you seem standoffish.

开始挺友好的,但是在我一连串的问题之后,他变得有些冷淡了。Friendly at first, he became a bit standoffish after a few too many questions.

本地学生似乎冷淡,但很可能只是在等待你打破僵局。Local students may seem standoffish , but are probably just waiting for you to break the ice.

因为这是一种自然告别与放弃它非常爱理不理,让悲伤都美丽!Because it is a natural and bid farewell to abandon it very standoffish , so sad have beautiful!

独自提出握手的人也可能是冷淡的或是友好的。Offering a handshake alone could be the different between appearing standoffish or sincerely friendly.

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是否首先想握手能看出一个人是冷淡的,还是真诚友好的。Offering a handshake alone could be the different between appearing standoffish or sincerely friendly.

之前一度反应冷淡的货币基金组织目前也开始同欧盟、各国政府以及银行合作。The previously standoffish IMF co-operates with the European Commission, national governments and the banks.

即便你无法使你的心情开朗起来,也要注意说话的用词,不要显得冷淡或心不在焉。Even if you can't keep your mood jolly, watch your words so you don't come across as standoffish or distracted.

即便你无法使你的心情开朗起来,也要注意说话的用词,不要显得冷淡或心不在焉。Even if you cannot keep your mood jolly, watch your words so you do not come across as standoffish or distracted.

郭也曾因对记者不友好而遭媒体的冷遇。Guo has also occasionally suffered a backlash from the Chinese news media for being standoffish toward reporters.

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最后梅森上楼见到帕岱莱夫斯基,他还是很热情,但他的夫人却冷言冷语。Finally Mason went up to see Paderewski and foundhim cordial enough, but Paderewski's wife was cold and standoffish.