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实际应用表明该设计方案确实能够提高计量工作效率。This design project is proven to be effective for metrological work.

医院计量的规范化和动态化管理。Objective To realize metrological dynamic management in a modern hospital.

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我们将要做的事情是适应这种气候条件。What we will have to do is we will have to adapt the metrological conditions.

从多个方面讨论探伤机是否属于计量器具。The question if nondestructive flaw detectors are metrological instrument is discussed.

实验结果证实了“置乱加密度”能有效地反映算法的置乱加密效果。The experiment results show that the scrambling degree is an efficient metrological method.

传统的经纬仪计量检测设备存在诸多缺点。The traditional metrological verification instrument for theodolite has many disadvantages.

RFID单元作为本套系统的数据采集终端,负责采集电子标签所包含的计量设备信息。Being a data acquired terminal on the system, RFID gathered the information of the metrological equipment.

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并指出了光热辐射计量术这种新的计量技术的理论研究具有独特意义。Theoretical investigation of the new metrological technique-photothermal-radiometry has unique significance.

它收录了2007年底前发布的、目前在用的汽车计量检定规程共39种。It contains the end of 2007 before the release, currently in use car metrological verification of 39 species.

此方法适用于研究一切理论问题,其研究范围比计量史学大得多。This method applies to all theory problem, its research scope is much bigger than the metrological historiography.

联合国气象组织表示,近几个月来,臭氧层遭到前所未有的破坏。United Nations metrological agency says the ozone layer has suffered unprecedented levels of damage in recent months.

液体与浮计标准不符时,应送计量部门给予校正。When liquid does not accord with to floating to count a standard, should send metrological service to give adjustment.

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本文着重介绍了这一新技术运用到计量管理中的几项突出表现。This paper emphatically presents some outstanding expressions of applying this new technology to the metrological management.

此外,该仪器设计中有计量特性设计,以确保它在高温下正确工作。Furthermore, the device's design has metrological characteristics which ensures that it performs correctly at high temperatures.

大多数历史学家也曾对计量史学寄予厚望,希望通过它来完成历史的科学化。Most historians also said to have great expectations, hope metrological historiography through to its completion of history science.

颜色测量方法分为目视测色和仪器测色两大类,而仪器测色必须符合计量的标准。Color measurement can be performed via visual method or physical one, the later must follow the corresponding metrological principle.

该分压器现已作为标准测量设备在我国国家高电压计量站投入使用。Now, this divider is already put in service at the Chinese National High Voltage Metrological Station as a standard measuring device.

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国家计量检定系统表由国务院计量行政部门制定。The National Metrological Verification System shall be worked out by the metrological administrative department of the State Council.

本系统不仅用于计量长光栅动态检测,还可用于感应同步器、磁栅、线纹尺等长度计量元件的动态检测。The method is used not only in the measurement of grating, but also in the dynamic measurement of other metrological length components.

农产品质量安全检测机构应当依法经计量认证合格。Agencies for testing the quality and safety of agricultural products shall be subject to metrological accreditation in accordance with law.